Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Shape up or ship out, Palanivel tells 'seat warmers'

Three weeks after taking over the party’s reins from SSamy Vellu on Dec 6, new MIC president G Palanivel appeared to be coming out of his former mentor’s shadows.

At a “retreat” for party leaders in Selangor last week, he wasted no time in reclaiming the party’s position as the champion of the Indians.

Palanivel took a tough stance by reprimanding “seat warmers”, some holding high positions in the MIC, and ordered them to get cracking in helping the community.

“He ordered them to move to the ground, meeting Indians not just at organised events but at temples, weddings and funerals,” a party leader who attended the Dec 23 meeting said today.

Palanivel also instructed his central working committee (CWC) members to meet the public in groups every Sunday at the party headquarters, he said.

“Palanivel wanted them to move as an organised and collective group, not becoming glory-seekers by going on their own,” he said.

He signalled to his party mates that the days of addressing crowds at events and being showered with accolades and garlands were over.

"He wants them to step out of the stage and onto the floor and be with the crowd even while others are addressing them.

"He is cracking the whip and telling them to produce results or face the wrath of not only the people, but him in the next general election. He is taking it very seriously,” he said.

Call for transparency

At the Dec 23 meeting, Palanivel also called for transparency in the party, urging party office-bearers to not just keep him informed, but the CWC members as well on matters relating to the management of the party.

Palanivel also moved in to quell fears that the party would not be able to hold its annual general assemblies the way it was during Samy Vellu’s reins.

“He told them that he would personally take over the task, but wanted some CWC members to find funds from well-wishers to run the party,” he said.

He added that Palanivel had also briefed Prime Minister and Barisan Nasional chairman Najib Tun Razak recently on his plans for the MIC.

He had informed Najib that he was not keen on making any radical shake-up within the party for now, and wanted to focus on the next general election.

“He (Najib) believes that Palanivel will make the difference, and restore the people’s confidence in the MIC and BN,” he added.

- Bernama

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