Monday, January 3, 2011

Amid talk of emergency rule, Khalid to table motion on Khusrin issue

Amid talk of emergency rule and the use of Rela officers to fill in phantom votes, the Sultan of Selangor has advised the federal government's Public Services Commission to discuss with the Pakatan Rakyat administration the controversial appointment of Prime Minister Najib Razak's blue-eyed boy Khusrin Munawi as the new State Secretary.

"The Sultan is of the view that he has neither the authority to approve or reject any candidate suggested by the Suruhan Perkhidmatan Awam or Public Services Commission. This is because the laws were amended in 1993 during a constitutional crisis. The state laws were changed and centralised to reinforce the federal government’s hold on the state," Khalid told a press conference.

The popular Pakatan Rakyat mentri besar had finally obtained the royal audience after he was blocked for days by the Sultan's prvate secretary Munir Bani. Khalid's meeting with the Selangor Ruler began at 11am and ended at around 12.20pm.

Khalid also confirmed that his administration will push for an emergency state legislative assembly sitting to amend the Selangor constitution pertaining to the appointment of the state secretary, a position that carries wide-ranging powers of vital administrative importance.

In the meantime, Khalid said that there would be no swearing-in ceremony between Khusrin and himself, adding that Khusrin would not be allowed to attend any exco or state economic council meetings.

"The state will suggest to the Speaker to hold an emergency state assembly sitting to amend the state constitution to return the power of appointment of the state secretary, financial officer and legal adviser to the Sultan and the mentri besar (chief minister),” said Khalid.

Last week, Chief Secretary to the federal government Mohd Sidek Hassan had announced Khusrin's appointment, sparking a row as Pakatan leaders objected to the appointment that some have described as "hiding a political agenda behind the Palace.

Many had assumed that the appointment came from the Public Services Department or JPA because Sidek had announced it. It is of importance which public agency approved Khusrin's appointment as legal experts say any action taken by Khalid to have him removed would hinge on whether the selection had been made by the right agency.

Lacked qualification, political bias

Meanwhile, the 54-year old Khusrin Munawi reported for work despite all-round unhappiness with his appointment in the state administration and civil service. Perhaps in a sign that he too knew his welcome was shaky, he clocked in at a very early 6.45am.

There has been talk that Khalid might order Khusrin to be locked out from his office, but high-level sources toldMalaysia Chronicle that the Mentri Besar wanted to exhaust all means including a audience with the Sultan before resorting to "tough action".

"For sure there will be a showdown. Like it or not, Pakatan is not going to take this lying down and why should it? It is an unfair appointment - not just politically but also personally and professionally," said the state official.

He was referring to Khusrin, who came out last in Prime Minister Najib Razak's own shortlist. Within the Selangor civil service, many seniors with greater experience and academic qualifications have been riled by the appointment as Khusrin was catapulted from Grade C to Grade A in order to fit the appointment.

But despite the rumblings, Najib has chosen to bulldoze it through perhaps because of Khusrin's unswerving loyalty to Umno thus far. Khusrin, the former director of the state religious department or JAIS, is an Umno member and has often been caught bending the rules to help his party over several issues in the state.

He was responsible for issuing an arrest order against renowed cleric Dr Asri Zainul Abidin for allegedly preaching in the state without "licence". Khusrin also spearheaded what the Pakatan has called a "hate-campaign" against Serdang MP Teo Nie Ching for entering a Muslim prayer hall in Kajang, although he was quick to close an eye when the BN MP for Hulu Selangor P Kamalanathan did the same at a mosque there.

Rela phantom voters, emergency rule

Speculation is now rife that Kushrin's first day at work as State Secretary may also be his last if Khalid tells the Sultan that he and his executive council would be unable to work with Kushrin or trust him with any of the state's secrets.

If the Sultan rejects Khalid's argument, a constitutional crisis akin to the Perak coup d'etat staged by Najib in 2009 is on the cards.

Not only will a prolonged court wrangle begin, but the Pakatan is likely to go on the offensive with a nationwide tour to inform the public the reasons behind Najib's insistence on foisting Khusrin on Selangor.

"Khusrin is the lynchpin for the BN's program to use Rela officers to topple the Pakatan state government in the next general election. If BN still loses despite the phantom voters, Rela volunteers will be instructed to stage a commotion and trigger riots," said the official.

"The number of Rela recruits transferred to Selangor has been huge. The electoral rolls have already been fixed and these Rela 'volunteers' will go in to vote for the phantom voters. But Khalid's team is popular and the chances are very high, Pakatan will retain Selangor. When that happens, the Rela corp will move in - this time to create unrest and spark emergency rule that will allow the federal government to take control of the state."

More to come

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