Monday, January 3, 2011

WIKILEAKS KARAM SINGH WALIA: Pengacara TV3 caught insulting the Malays and forced to apologise

WIKILEAKS KARAM SINGH WALIA: Pengacara TV3 caught insulting the Malays and forced to apologise

Apparently he said that Malays did not originate from Malaysia or Indonesia and that Malays are stupid

he did not admit to saying 'lancau'

a fight almost ensued

some say he was drunk...

even inebriated he tried to use flowery language

I wonder what the outshot of this video will be

heck I am not even sure that this is Karam Singh Walia...but it certainly looks and sounds like him

courtesy of MARAHKU


  1. if he is the real dude and he said all that, that was some dumb stunt he pulled off

  2. Looks like the drunks are those mat rempit wannabe.

  3. kalau orang sekeliling tu dah tahu yang karam sigh walia tu mabuk, yang pergi layan and maki hamun tu kenapa? dah perangai mereka lebih buruk dan teruk dari orang yang mabuk tu. memalukan. karam sigh walia yg mabuk tu ingin meminta maaf tetapi orang melayu yang tidak mabuk dan berfikiran waras nak maki memaki, sumpah seranah. malulah weyh, wahai melayu islam.

  4. Aduan rakyat..Sebab Pulot santan binasa sebab mulot badan merasa...Cakap siang pandang pandang..cakap malam dengar kedengaran..Nasib si Karam bagai kapal karam.


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