Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Anwar to lodge police report on sex tape at Dang Wangi station

Anwar to lodge police report on sex tape at Dang Wangi station

Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim will lodge a police report against the perpetrators of a sex video clip, who claimed it showed him having sex with a female prostitute.

PKR director of legal bureau Latheefa Koya will accompany him to the Dang Wangi police station in Kuala Lumpur to make the complaint at 10.45am.

"It is an offense to hold any pornographic material and this was made worst because the people who screened the so-called show invited so many journalists and editors. So we will lodge the report and pursue defamation action," Latheefa told Malaysia Chronicle.

"We hope the police will really investigate and not sit on it. We also wish to point out that the Prime Minister and Home Minister have both denied the police were involved in recording the video. But have you noticed - they did not deny the police were involved in organising the press briefing."

Special Branch

On Monday, a mysterious group of men who refused to identify themselves invited members of the press to a hotel to show them the 21-minute video clip. The leader of the group, who called himself Datuk T, told journalists the man filmed having sex in the film was Anwar.

Anwar has denied this and pointed out a marked physical difference. The thin 63-year old has a much smaller tummy than the man in the tape.

"I was told the face in the video looked like me. However, the stomach of the man was much bigger than mine,” Anwar told a press conference on Monday evening.

The Pakatan de-facto head said he was at home with PKR staff, his wife, children, grandchildren and tweeting on that day and at that time. The sex video’s time stamp on Feb 21 was from 10.23pm to 10.45pm.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Najib Razak and Home Minister Hishamuddin Hussein have denied the police were involved in the filming of the video.

But some reporters who attended the conference suspected the involvement of Special Branch operatives. They recognised the faces of some of the security personnel who were also at the video screening.

The tight security and the furtive manner in which the video was shown underscores the possibility of federal government involvement.


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