Thursday, March 3, 2011

Bat-from-hell Ummi to expose Anwar at Merlimau ceramah

Controversy queen Ummi Hafilda is now setting her sights on Merlimau where her one-time hero and now greatest-foe Anwar Ibrahim is also campaigning.

No prizes for guesses here. For sure, Ummi has only one intention tonight when she appears at Malay village Kampung Chinchin to deliver aceramah or political lecture.

And it won’t be to make eyes at Anwar, whom she once confessed to having a crush on. More likely, she will bang the man for his sodomy charges.

After all, she was the woman Malaysians loved to hate during the sensational 1998 court trial when she helped incriminate the Opposition Leader and got him jailed for 6 years for sodomizing his wife’s chauffeur.

But Anwar’s Parti Keadilan Rakyat mates are not at all concerned.

“Ummi Hafilda’s words are not worth the words of a prostitute. Her values go up because of the elections and no one takes her seriously, trust me,” Seri Setia assemblyman Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad told Malaysia Chronicle.

Then there was Azalina and Rafidah

True or not, Ummi is likely to draw a good-sized crowd tonight. While they may not believe a word of what she says, most Malaysians generally enjoy watching her antics.

At 43 and recently married to an Iranian, she still cuts a pretty and petite figure.

She vanished from the local scene after Anwar's 1998 trial amid much public scolding and after being disowned by her father for ‘making up stories’. But she also returned intermittently to help certain Umno leaders attack their political foes.

In 2002, she accused former Tourism minister Azalina Othman of being a lesbian and claimed she was going public because she couldn’t stand the latter’s “unacceptable sexual preference.” Azalina was once the object of former Trade minister Rafidah Aziz's ire.

Ummi's name also cropped up when officials at Tourism ministry unit Pempena were hauled up in 2010 over why four cheques totaling RM169,700 were paid to her as sponsorship money for organizing Arab singer Amr Diab’s concert in Malaysia, even though the Pempena board had not approved the payments.

“The only question she needs to answer to the government that she hasn’t answered is the scandal between herself and Azalina involving the payments,” said Nik Nazmi.

Earlier this year, she reappeared to attack Anwar after he challenged Prime Minister Najib Razak to an economic debate.

Najib had refused, sparking accusations of cowardice and that he was not up to a public face-off Anwar, who is known for his oratorical skills. - Malaysia Chronicle

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