Saturday, March 26, 2011

The battleground is Sarawak, not Carcosa

'If it was the other side of the political divide, the three would be arrested the day the video was screened in Carcosa.'

Swipenter: The Datuk Trio have already admitted that they are the ones behind the videotape. So tell us why the police have not arrested them? The Royal Malaysian Police (RMP) is trying very hard living up to their reputation as a totally owned subsidiary of the Umno-led government.

If it was the other side of the political divide, the three would be arrested on the day the porn video was screened in Carcosa Seri Negara. The police can be ruthlessly efficient when they want to carry out their duties.

PATRIOT: This sex video allegedly of Anwar Ibrahim in intimate action is a classic case of some men being "more equal than others". Imagine, an Umno minister has actually got the gumption to say, "don't kill the messenger".

Following this logic, why then are blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin, private eye P Balasubramaniam and a host of other "messengers" hunted, while witnesses like Teoh Beng Hock die in the custody of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC)?

Whether it is a political entrapment or pure sexual escapade by Anwar, the Datuk Trio should be arrested and charged. Justice delayed is justice denied.

Singa Pura Pura: If you have watched the Rahim Thamby Chik (RTC)/Shazryl Eskay Abdullah press conference, you would be left in no doubt that the all-consuming undercurrent in RTC's speech was about exacting the revenge of his lifetime. He wanted his pound of steak, rare, and with all the blood pooling on top and dribbling over. He had waited far too long.

Eskay repeatedly said he wanted the truth to be out, and that he had been used by Anwar for far too long.

Thousands of extra-marital associations take place in our land every day, between married and unmarried men, with prostitutes and non-prostitutes. Who cares? Umno? RTC? Eskay?

For all his alleged imperfections and defects of character, Anwar remains the flag-bearer of the fading (but flickering) hopes of millions of Malaysians who want the Umno hegemony of half-a-century broken. The battleground is Sarawak, not Carcosa.

Anonymous_3dhb: Kee Thuan Chye, your article clearly shows what double standards is all about. While most are concentrating on whether they want the future leader of this country to be of good morals, irrespective of how he gets there, you are more concerned about prosecuting three fellows for a charge that carries nothing more than a simple fine.

Had it been the other way round, like the Chua Soi Lek tape, there was no call by you or the opposition to apprehend and try the culprits. This clearly shows that you are part of the agenda that the opposition has to reach Putrajaya, and of course benefit from it, and any sign of derailment of this agenda, you will participate in bringing all the forces down that are in your way.

The rakyat is not foolish, they can see all this, and more so when you are calling for the three to be prosecuted, rather than proving the man in the tape is not Anwar.

Ferdtan: If it is really Anwar in the sex video, do you think these three infamous datuks would play 'hide-and seek' with the Malaysian public?

Similarly, as in Chua Sok Lek's sexual exposure, the whole nation would be flooded with free DVDs in their post box for viewing at home if not for the prompt action and warnings by the police.

By not reporting to the police in the first instant, we know for sure that the tape is not genuine. If it is really Anwar, the police, who are not seen to be impartial, would gleefully spring into action to question Anwar; and would try to find some obscure laws to detain him.

Vgood: The way I see it, every new attempt they make from Sodomy I, II, to this video scandal - who knows what's next - it will become harder to bite. Instead of demolishing the person they have intended, they have unwittingly strengthened him.

They should learn a little about psychology. When the picture of Anwar with a black eye was splashed across the pages of media, the seed was planted for reform because that picture reflected everything that is wrong in this country.

And with so many exposure of the wrongdoing of those in power, the momentum can only grow. People see the evil in those who are seated in power, not the personal weaknesses of Anwar, whom many admired for his courage to stand up to everything that was thrown at him.

At the moment, despite all his personal flaws, he remains the last bastion of hope for those who yearn to see changes taking place in this nation. At the end of it, the victim will eventually become victor.

Paul Warren: Kee Thuan Chye, you are obviously a captive of the kind of education you had, and hence your missive.

If only you had been subject to the imaginative BTN-determined education that our present students undertake, you would have been happy that the Datuk Trio should be heros. Ask your children's teachers and they will tell you so.

Dev: Two citizens of Malaysia have broken the law and are proudly declaring that they have broken the law by holding a press conference. Why then has the police not moved in to nab these criminals?

It's the same as someone stealing from a jewellery shop then holding a press conference to say that he stole from the shop to feed his village, which is poor. Does that robber get off scot free then? Nope! Because we have laws, and whoever breaks the law should be investigated.

If an arrest is warranted, so be it. Law and politics are two separate things. Law is above politics, it should not discriminate between a pro-BN and an anti-BN supporter, just as how it should not discriminate between an Indian/Chinese/Malay or any other race/creed.

These trio have admitted guilty under section 292 of the Penal Code via their press statement, by right the police should have swooped right down and arrested them immediately. - Malaysiakini

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