Sunday, March 20, 2011

Bible row: I lock my gate, why can't I lock yours too?

vox populi small thumbnail'Remember what they told us: when it comes to matters of Islamic law, only the Muslims will be affected, not the non-Muslims.'

Qurans stamped and serialised too

Joker: What the Quranic Text Publication Control Board does with the Quran is their business. What the Christians are upset about is why is that board, whose title clearly depicts it to deal with the Quran only, is meddling in non-Quranic text like the Holy Bible?

If the Perak mufti can mistakenly link Santa Claus and Christmas trees decorations with the Christian faith, then it does not say much about the understanding the bureaucrats in KDN (Home Ministry) have about non-Muslims matters. In fact, I doubt they are experts in Islamic matters, either.

Paul Warren: If you want to stamp your holy books with whatever ink, go right ahead. But did you get any permission from the Christians for stamping their holy books? And your intention for wanting to stamp is not exactly kosher, is it?

Swipenter: The sole reason for serialisation of the Quran is for one purpose only - the Home Ministry/KDN does this to ensure only one approved version of the Quran is available to be used by Muslims in Malaysia, presumably to stop deviation of teachings and to prevent schisms in the faith.

In the case of the Al-Kitab, the Bible is stamped and serialised against the wishes of the Christians and for an 'unholy' reason.

As a Buddhist, I can read any text on Buddhism by any Buddhist master from any Buddhist denomination. We are taught that all the teachings of Buddha are not contradictory. If any particular teaching seems contradictory then it is our responsibility to seek clarification and to gain a deeper understanding from our spiritual guide as to why it is not.

Henry Hock Guan Teh: The conceited reasoning of the Home Ministry is utmost illogical, unethical and bigotry.

To the Christians, it is not whether the red ink, black ink or whatever kind of defacement they put on the Bibles. It is the breach of human rights and freedom of religion that we all must fight against those bigots in power.

Proarte: The whole issue is political and nothing to do with avoiding 'confusion' or Muslim concerns about proselytisation. It is Umno policy to create division and suspicion between the races and religions in Malaysia. This is the age-old colonial divide-and-rule tactic but Umno has added 'make Malays ignorant and stupid' as part of their game plan.

The stamping 'For Christians only' has no rationale because proselytising is illegal. Furthermore, the syariah courts have declared that Muslims are Muslims forever and cannot change their faith. Umno wants to fool Malays to think it is ever so watchful of supposed Christian attempts to undermine Muslim faith.

Umno regards Christians as 'Dhimmis' in Malaysia and their religion can be 'restricted' by Umno. It is part of the 'Ketuanan' policy which makes Malays feel so 'cantik muka' that they allow Umno to rob the country blind.

The legality and theological correctness of the stamping does not bother Malays as they have been 'dumbed down' morally by Umno.

Geronimo: Remember what this Umno bloke told us: when it comes to matters of Islamic law, only the Muslims will be affected, not the non-Muslims. Can we trust them anymore when every time they open their mouth, nothing comes out from them except lies and more lies?

Habib Rak: This issue is really silly. In this day and age, trying to control what people want to read, see and listen to is just ridiculous. I can easily read any Quran or any translation or listen to any reciter that I choose. It's all available online. Wake up people, it's 2011.

SickNegara: I locked my gate to protect my family from unwanted intrusion. One day, without reason I thought that my family may be disturbed by my neighbours. I went over to my neighbours and locked their gate to stop them from coming out.

When my neighbours complained, I said, "I locked my gate too and why can't I lock yours?"

My First Home Scheme: Myth or reality?

Kgen: The root of the housing ownership problem is that incomes have stagnated for the past 18 years while inflation has continued rising. No scheme can overcome this elephant in the room.

Helping young people borrow with limited means to pay back is not the solution. The only real solution is to increase real incomes, which under BN will never happen.

Hamisu: This government is not giving sound advice. The politicians and policymakers do not know what it's like on the ground. Raising false hopes would eventually lead the people to greater finaThe above is a selection of comments posted by Malaysiakinisubscribers.

Malaysians Are Not Stupid: This scheme like all other initiatives announced by PM Najib Razak since he became PM, like the 1Malaysia, KPIs and ETP - all nice sounding, but not achievable in reality.

It's all devised with the help of Apco to win elections without the corresponding political will and sincerity to translate them for the betterment of Malaysians.

Anonymous_3e0b: When we come to solving housing woes, shouldn't we be looking to our neighbour in the South for advice? Singapore has been very successful in its National Housing Scheme.

But of course, there's the question of our leaders' pride. How can we ask for assistance or advice from a country which is regarded 'a little red dot' in the world map? - Malaysiakini

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