Thursday, March 24, 2011

Do you know the law, Nazri?

A human rights NGO chides the de facto law minister for sanction the airing of the 'blue film' by the Datuk T trio.

KUALA LUMPUR: A shocked human rights NGO Suaram has slammed de facto law minister Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz for his ignorance of local laws in regards to pornography and the airing of sex videos.

Suaram was alluding to the airing of a video, allegedly showing opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim having sex with a Chinese prostitute, by the trio using the moniker ‘Datuk T’.

The men – former Malacca Chief Minister Rahim Thamby Chik, businessman Shazryl Eskay Abdullah and Perkasa treasurer Shuib Lazim – had on Monday invited media to a private scereening at Carcorsa Seri Negera.

Nazri had reportedly justified the screening by saying: “they wanted to show proof that Anwar had sex with this woman, not to make a pornographic video.

“If they were screening it to reporters with the intention to have witnesses, or to have on record people who can corroborate what they say, then it is not against the law.”

Charge ‘Datuk T’

Lambasting Nazri’s dismissal of an offence, Suaram coordinator E Nalini said: “What the law minister is saying is that it is not illegal for anyone to call up a group of people to watch a pornographic video.

“Does he enjoy immunity and impunity for breaches of the law and actions which have brought worldwide shame to the nation?”

Condeming the action by the trio, Nalini urged the police to investigate and charge the men under the appropriate section of the law.

She said Suaram deemed the airing of the ‘blue film’ as “cheap politicking”.

“It is tantamount to a smear campaign against Pakatan Rakyat and Anwar, in an attempt to sabotage the party’s image before the Sarawak election.

“Such sensationalised and sexualised politicking is low, shameful and an insult to the dignity and humanity of all Malaysians,” she said.

Suaram also criticized the manner in which the issue had been covered by certain local publications.

Suaram accused them of political persecution and sensationalising the matter without respect for the victim’s integrity and dignity.

“The government-controlled media have yet again sensationalised this latest caper in the same way they did over the first sodomy trial in 1999.

“They have given headline prominence to the accuser’s allegations in an attempt to besmirch Anwar’s reputation,” she said. - FMT

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