Saturday, March 26, 2011

Ex-cop: ‘Datuk T’ helped Anwar send RPK away

by uppercaise

“Datuk T” claimed to have helped opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim to send Raja Petra Kamarudin of Malaysia Today away to London, says a retired policeman who was for 18 years a bodyguard for a cabinet minister.

The policeman, Mohamad Mahti Abdul Rahim, was a bodyguard for Megat Junid Megat Ayub, a close ally of Mahathir Mohamad, who was deputy home minister at the time of the Operation Lallang, when sweeping arrests were made under the Internal Security Act and three newspapers shut down.

Mohd Mahti said Shazrul Eskay Abdullah, one of the trio called “Datuk T” who released a sex video last week, had claimed in a meeting with him to have helped Anwar send Raja Petra Kamaruddin to the UK when he was recently wanted on charges of criminal defamation and sedition.

Raja Petra now lives in self-exile in Britain after being charged over a statutory declaration he had made.

He had revealed that he had been given information linking Najib Tun Razak, the prime minister, and Rosmah Majid, the prime minister’s wife, with the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu, a Mongolian woman who was the translator for a Najib ally who was negotiating a multi-billion-ringgit sale of French-made submarines to the Malaysian government.

Raja Petra, the founder of the Malaysia Today web site, has said he would be willing to return if the government would guarantee no further persecution.

Mohamad Mahti, speaking in Kuang, Johore, told Malaysian Insider that “Datuk T” had vowed to take revenge against Anwar Ibrahim, saying ‘I will bring down Datuk Seri Anwar, whatever it takes” and also that Eskay said he “was doing this for No. 1”.

“I don’t know who it is and I did not ask him who he meant,” Mohamad Mahti said when asked if Shazryl was referring to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, who Anwar has accused of being involved in the release of the video.

He said he was not being asked by anyone to make these claims, pointing out that “if I was paid, we would hold the press conference in an air-conditioned hotel.”


Eskay wanted revenge on Anwar, says Megat Junid’s ex-bodyguard

March 25, 2011

Mohamad Mahti with the note purportedly written by Shazryl. — Pic by Shannon Teoh
KUANG, March 25 — A retired policeman said today that Datuk Shazryl Eskay Abdullah had told him that he would bring down Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim before the video allegedly showing the opposition leader having sex with a Chinese prostitute surfaced on Monday.

Mohamad Mahti Abdul Rahim, who was the late Tan Sri Megat Junid Megat Ayub’s bodyguard, said that Shazryl had been angry with the Permatang Pauh MP for not wanting to testify in a civil suit he had filed.

“After that he started talking angrily about Anwar. He began to talk bad about him, saying ‘I will bring down Datuk Seri Anwar, whatever it takes,” he said.

Mohamad Mahti himself had agreed to be a witness in the suit where Shazryl is claiming he was owed a RM20 million commission for securing the deal for the RM460 million “crooked bridge” between Singapore and Johor.

He said that when he had testified in the case on March 8, Shazryl had begun badmouthing Anwar when court was in recess and continued to do so after that day.

The handwritten note allegedly by Shazryl in detail. — Pic by Shannon Teoh
“Whether this tape is real or not I don’t know, but he wanted to bring down Anwar Ibrahim. He said Anwar stole money from him,” he said.

Former Malacca chief minister Tan Sri Abdul Rahim Thamby Chik had admitted on Wednesday that Shazryl, Perkasa treasurer-general Datuk Shuib Lazim and himself were collectively the mysterious “Datuk T” behind the 21-minute sex video that was screened on Monday.

Mohamad Mahti said today that Shazryl had also met him before last weekend to ask for help to secure former special action unit (UTK) officers, ostensibly for protection when he screened the video.

“He asked me to help him find four former UTK officers. When he said it was to attack Datuk Seri Anwar, I told him I didn’t want to know anything at all,” he said.

Mohamad Mahti, who had worked for the former domestic trade and consumer affairs for 18 years, said that he did not want to be involved despite having known Shazryl since 1996.

However, he said he followed Shazryl to Shuib’s home where he found out that the Perkasa man was an advisor at Shazryl’s fertiliser factory and that he would soon be made chairman.

“There, Eskay started saying he was doing this for No. 1,” he said, adding that Shuib seemed hesitant to help Shazryl.

“I don’t know who it is and I did not ask him who he meant,” Mohamad Mahti said when asked if Shazryl was referring to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, who Anwar has accused of being involved in the release of the video.

“But now that all these accusations have happened, I feel I need to reveal the truth. Datuk “SK” is for Si Kitol,” he said, referring to the character in Malay history who betrayed the Sultan of Malacca to the Portuguese for his own benefit.

Mohamad Mahti, 53, said that he first met Shazryl when the latter was a physiotherapist for the Badminton Association of Malaysia (BAM) in the 1990s.

“Datuk Megat had a muscle tear and Shazryl was recommended to me, so I introduced him to Datuk Megat,” he explained.

“But when Datuk Megat had cancer and even when he passed away, Eskay never once visited him,” he said.

Mohmad Mahti called Shazryl a liar. — Pic by Choo Choy May
He said that this was also how Shazryl was introduced to then prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Anwar, as his services was also recommended to them.

Mohamed Mahti said that Shazryl had also met him on January 17 and told him he now operated five fertiliser factories in Thailand.

He said that Shazryl had become close to Abdul Rahim because he was the chairman of the Rubber Industry Smallholders Development Authority (RISDA) and Shuib because he was the father-in-law of Rural and Regional Development Minister, Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal.

“He was also trying to get close to Felcra chairman Datuk Tajuddin Rahman so that he can secure deals to sell the fertiliser,” he said.

He said he was given RM5,000 as “pocket money commission” to arrange a meeting with the Pasir Salak MP.

Mohamad Mahti said that a month later, Shazryl gave him a handwritten note allegedly written by Shazryl, promising various officers, including Tajuddin, a cut of every tonne of fertiliser sold via Federal Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Authority.

“I felt that this was bribery so I SMSed Tajuddin to forget the whole thing,” he said while showing reporters the alleged note written in red ink.

The former cop said that one of Anwar’s bodyguards, named Mokhtar, had called him earlier this week to ask why Shazryl was doing this as he had just brought his whole family to visit the PKR de facto leader a few weeks ago.

“I told him I knew nothing about the video until after it was released this week.

“Eskay is a liar. Everything he has said is a lie,” he told reporters at his goat farm here this afternoon.

“I am available if the police or even the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission want to question me. If Eskay wants to sue me, go ahead. I have no worries,” he said.

Mohamad Mahti added that Shazryl said he had helped Anwar a lot and brought the former deputy prime minister to Singapore to do a DNA test to disprove allegations in the late 1990s that he was the father of PKR deputy president Azmin Ali’s daughter.

He said that Shazryl also claimed to have helped Anwar send controversial blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin to the UK when he was recently wanted for criminal defamation and sedition.

A photo of Shuib’s namecard for Shazryl’s company. — Pic by Shannon Teoh
He added that he was not being asked by anyone to make these claims, pointing out that “if I was paid, we would hold the press conference in an air-conditioned hotel.”

Shazryl and Abdul Rahim have been detained by police earlier today in relation to the sex video.

Anwar has denied that he is the man in the video, claiming that it is a political attack by Barisan Nasional.

The black-and-white video was allegedly taken on February 21 at a hotel room in Kuala Lumpur.

It begins with footage showing a man the trio claim to be Anwar, a woman with East Asian features and another unidentified man in the room.

The second part, recorded from four slightly different angles, showed the man receiving oral sex from the woman and then having sexual intercourse with her in several positions.

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