Monday, March 28, 2011

Explain WiFi decision, Gerakan tells Anwar and Lim

Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has irked Gerakan with his decision not to have an open tender for the first phase of the 'Penang Free WiFi' project.

ALOR STAR: A Gerakan leader here today took the Penang government to task for not exercising its much appreciated open tender policy in the RM8.5 million ‘Free WiFi’ project award.

Kedah Gerakan youth chief Tan Keng Liang chided Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng for not keeping his words to practice open tender system on all state contracts.

He cautioned this would set a bad precedent for Penang and other Pakatan-ruled states, such as Selangor, Kedah and Kelantan, to follow for future projects.

“Pakatan has failed to implement its election promises and the principles of its Common Policy Framework (CPF) and Orange Book,” claimed Tan.

Lim had said yesterday an open tender system was not offered for the second phase of the WiFi project as the state government wanted a reputable company to take charge (watch video).

He said REDtone International Bhd was willing to provide and maintain 750 free WiFi hotspots in public areas in the state without any funding from the state government under the first phase.

“Under phase two, the state government is paying RM8.49mil to install 750 free WiFi hotspots over the next five years in Penang,” he said.

“Penang Free WiFi” project was launched by Lim in Sept 2008 and was aimed at turning the state into the country’s first free wireless broadband area.

The project was different from the federal government-initiated High Speed Broadband (HSBB) project costing RM11.3bil.

Spell out steps

Tan also called on Pakatan and PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim to publicly explain on why the open tender policy, espoused by CPF and Orange Book, was not implemented for all projects in Pakatan states.

He also want Anwar to spell out steps that would be taken to ensure the system would be implemented without exemption to the rule in states under Pakatan administration.

“Anwar cannot turn blind on this issue.

“The non-implementation of open tender policy is directly in conflict with Pakatan’s CPF and Orange Book.

“Anwar and other Pakatan leaders owe a public explanation on why Penang government has failed to practice the policy in its WiFi initiative,” insisted Tan. - FMT

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