Sunday, March 20, 2011

IGP Ismail Omar: Wake Up And Do The Right Thing!

by Din Merican

Some weeks back I mentioned that I would be writing about the plight of the six rank and file policemen who had discharged their police duties in collating intelligence report admirably without fear or favour. They did so notwithstanding that the trail of crimes was leading them to the doorstep of their then boss, IGP Musa Hassan. They did that at their own peril. In the end they were charged for trying to “topple” Musa Hassan.

Good Men have been victimised

They were brave to do what they did because they believed that they worked for Polis DiRaja Malaysia (PDRM) and not for Musa Hassan. They believed that they would be protected by their own Force. They were mistaken. Despite being seasoned police operatives, they were naïve. And they paid a very heavy price. Until today their cases are not over. Those who have been acquitted are now facing appeals by the A-G Chambers. Until the present time they cannot take any permanent job as they have been suspended from active service.

Their plight has now been highlighted in Parliament by the MP of Bakri, YB Er Teck Hwa. See YB Er’s letter as posted on Friday March 18, by Raja Petra Kamarudin (RPK) in his article “The Unholy Trinity Revisited” (see link

No Action against Musa Hassan

To this day, no action has been taken against Musa Hassan despite the fact that his complicity with the underworld has been set out very clearly in several Statutory Declarations (SD), including by his own aide de camp (ADC) ASP Noor Azizul Rahim. The revelations about Musa Hassan cannot be more clear and explicit as can be seen below:

The MACC and the Government went to town about protection to informants under the Whistleblowers Act, yet in this case not only were these rank and file policemen not given protection, instead they were prosecuted. These things can only happen in Malaysia, the innocent are persecuted, and the crooks get away scot free!

These poor men have been left unprotected and abandoned by their own brothers in blue. That is the harsh reality: when you are down, no one will be there to help you. This is despite the fact that Musa Hassan is gone. This is despite the fact that Ismail Omar is now the new IGP. And why is that so?

IGP Ismail Omar: Stand Up for Your Men

The answer is simple enough – because Gani Patail is still the Attorney General. IGP Ismail Omar is afraid of A-G Gani Patail who wields absolute power over prosecution of all criminal matters in Malaysia. The A-G believes that he has absolute immunity because only he decides whether an act is an offence, and who gets charged for an offence and who doesn’t. That is why he remains unscathed despite public records from Tabung Haji showing that he is a bosom buddy of Tajuddin Ramli’s proxy, Shahidan Shafie, that ex-police inspector who was once charged with taking bribes by releasing secret societies members in Johore Baru.

A-G Gani Patail’s exploits of the criminal justice system are already well known. If you are a friend of the A-G, the possibilities are endless. That is why last month, RPK wrote that “Its nice to have friends in high places” about A-G Gani Patail charging Dato’ Loy Tuck Choy (Dato’ TC) for a very minor offence just because Dato’ TC kicked his buddy, Dato’ Vincent Lye, out of Ho Hup Bhd. Just look at this cosy picture of A-G Gani Patail and Vincent Lye at Ho Hup’s office:

Robert Phang on Propriety of A-G Gani Patail’s Personal Conduct

That is why Tan Sri Robert Phang keep raising this issue – of the propriety of the AG’s personalconduct that calls his professional decisions into question. Phang raised this again during his Teh Tarik Talk at the Sooka Sentral last Thursday (March 17, 2011). He did not mince his words that the A-G was not only a discredit but also a liability to the government. Phang was blunt and direct in saying that all the government’s proclaimed efforts to eradicate corruption would be NATO- No Action Talk Only! To Phang, A-G Gani Patail is the problem, a cancer that should be excised, otherwise the whole criminal justice system would be diseased and fall further into disrepute.

ASP Azizul’s SD made specific mention of Dato’ Ramli Yusuf whom I wrote about last week as being taken on for a ride by promises of being reinstated after he met Prime Minister Najib and Home Affairs Minister Hishammuddin Hussein Onn. Despite having been acquitted, until now, Dato’ Ramli has yet to be reinstated. It would appear that IGP Ismail Omar does not have the courage to undo what Musa Hassan had inflicted on Dato’ Ramli.

But ASP Azizul also alluded to an unnamed person at paragraph 14 of his statutory declaration (above) about “a sense of fear gripped many within PDRM when the lawyer who assisted the CCD was himself arrested in a most humiliating manner and charged in court one day before Aidilfitri”.

Rosli Dahlan was fixed

It is unmistakable that this lawyer is my young friend Rosli Dahlan. I was stunned by this revelation. I thought Rosli was only assisting the Police in detecting white collar crimes like the massive MAS Scandal. I did not realize that he was also assisting the CCID in apprehending blue collar criminals like this Along illegal money lending syndicate. I now fear for Rosli. He may have unwittingly made enemies not only with those in the corridors of power but also those who wield power in the underworld. I want to caution Rosli to be very careful.

It seems such a coincidence that there are so many reports on Rosli Dahlan in the last few weeks. From the International Law Office (ILO) website, there is an announcement that he received an international award with three other Malaysian lawyers:

The clients’ comments on Rosli are very gratifying indeed, also see the above link. Last week, the business radio channel BFM 89.9 carried an interview with Rosli about the MRT controversy in Taman Tun Dr Ismail. Rosli did not mince his words in chastising unthinking government officers for their insensitivities in posting the MRT development notices on trees and lamp posts like the Along illegal money lending syndicate, listen to this:

And to my greatest surprise, even BERNAMA carried news of Rosli’s hosting of an international law conference for foreign lawyers:

Free Lawyer Rosli in the name of Justice

Is something happening here? Is there an attempt by the powers that be to atone for what they have done to Rosli? If so, then it is time to bring his case to a happy closure and let him rebuild his legal career that has been sufficiently ruined. I have said it before and now say it again, Lawyer Rosli is innocent and should be allowed to get on with his life and pursue his profession.

End Victimisation of Dato Ramli and the 6 Policemen

As for Dato Ramli and the 6 policemen, I say to IGP Ismail Omar – these are your men who were victimized in the course of their work. The injustice done by Musa Hassan can and must be undone by you. Power is in your hands, wield it wisely and judiciously without fear of A-G Gani Patail. This is your moment in time to be an inspirational leader of PDRM. The Police Force needs it, your men certainly need it. I say to you IGP Ismail Omar - Wake up and do the right thing!

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