Thursday, March 24, 2011

An important choice

Malaysians in Sarawak State will be making a very important choice in the coming month.

The fixed deposit is now up for grab. Whether Bn or the opposition will be allowed to manage the fixed deposit will depend on how the people cast their votes.

From all indications, BN is going to win the state again, but it will probably lose many seats and its 2/3 majority. The 33% of Chinese votes were as good as gone, given the prevailing Chinese sentiments. On top of that, the bible issue would probably cost BN many votes, but it can still depend on the more rural areas where most of the long house and tribal chiefs will probably be supporting BN. Another reason was the past practice of gerrymandering which has given rural seats more weight-age than the urban ones.

Losing the 2/3 majority will have a significant impact as a GE will probably be called later this year. It will probably help to revive the sagging fortunes of the opposition, for one thing.

In the unlikely event that BN loses the State, then a GE will probably be postponed and we can see more politicking in Malaysia– politicking that hits below the belt, politicking that hits at the front and back.. etc etc etc.

One of the main issues is White Hair himself–Chinese Sarawakians call him “Bek Mou” . He has overstayed and there are so many stories even among BN people about him…

One of the things the Top leader is trying to do is to persuade him to retire before the Next Big One. He is perceived to be the problem, like Samy of MIC.

After Samy retired, there is a significant swing of Indian voters back to the fold of BN. So the logic for BN strategists is to persuade whoever seen to be the burden to retire…And of course there will be trade off– if you retire, i will not prosecute you , and maybe make you an ambassador with minister rank.

So whether Bek Mou gets to be booted out will depend on how his coalition does in this state election. If he wins big, which is a very unlikely event, he may get to stay for a few more years; but if he does not do well, he will probably be given a Samy treatment.. Either way, he would probably not be treated like how the former Selangor MB was treated, even though that MB was like a dwarf when compared to Bek Mou in terms of you-know-what ( the Chinese has a saying: when drawing a figure, you don’t have to draw the intestines). - Dr Hsu's Forum

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