Thursday, March 17, 2011

An insult to both Christians and Muslims

your say'Is the gov't saying non-Christians who are not Muslims also cannot read the Bible in BM? Would Muslims be happy if similar restrictions were placed on the Quran?'

Consignee won't collect Malay Bible shipment yet

Singa Pura Pura: The mass stamping of the 'Malay bibles imported from Indonesia' (God, I love that phrase) with the words 'Al Kitab Berita Baik ini untuk kegunaan penganut agama Kristian sahaja' (meaning "This Al Kitab Berita Baik is for use by Christians only') is a decision/act that is unlawful, and possibly even criminal, on the part of the home minister/KDN and/or their servants.

There is absolutely no legal basis or foundation for such an action by the home minister to prohibit the possession and/or reading of the Malay Bibles by Malaysians of any religion or to restrict their use to Christians only.

The home minister has certainly exceeded his jurisdiction. (Note that it was a 'perintah' or order by the minister and not a mere 'nasihat' or advisory.) Any administrative decision or action must be founded squarely upon a specific right as clearly defined and conferred by statute. His action here was unreasonable, irrational and illegal.

Gerard Samuel Vijayan: Article 11 of the federal constitution gives non-Muslims the right to practise, administer and propagate their religion except to Muslims without any restrictions or qualifications whatsoever.

Even Parliament under Articles 149 and 150 cannot abrogate or limit the fundamental rights under Article 11. Any state Islamic enactment that seeks to do so is ultra-vires the federal constitution and unconstitutional. Only the propagation of non-Muslim religions to Muslims can be restricted but not the propagation of non-Muslim religions amongst non-Muslims themselves.

Is the government now saying that non-Christians who are not Muslims also cannot read the Bible in BM? What nonsense about the serial numbers. Nothing could be more offensive to peoples of any faith when their holy books are treated as such.

Would Muslims be happy if similar restrictions were placed on the Quran in Christian-majority countries?

Sandakan: The government is getting ridiculous and childish. No Bibles published today have serial numbers on them and are stamped 'For Christians Only'. This is discrimination and is against the country's constitution.

But then again, when we have idiots in the Umno-led government, what can we expect? Fairness, justice, respect, clean government and care for the well-being of all Malaysians? No way.

Anti-Interlok: I think all Islamic and other religious publications will need to bear 'For Muslims Only', 'For Hindus only', 'For Buddhists Only', 'For Bahais Only' and so on. We also need these to be likewise mentioned for religious programmes on TV.

Do you think they would agree to do so for Islamic programmes? Why the double standards when the federal constitution's Article 11 allows freedom of religion? This is wake-up call for East Malaysians and others who support BN. I guess PAS would be more liberal.

Quigonbond: Why can't Muslims read the Bible for knowledge if they want to? Is the government concerned that by reading the Bible alone, the Muslim reader will lose his/her faith in Islam? It's rather insulting to Muslims.

Lover Boy: Brother Idris Jala, I take your point that the 1982 gazette states that 'For Christians Only'must be stamp on the Al Kitab. Can you point out where in the gazette that you are relying on that state you need to have all the Al Kitab serialised?

What is your stand on this? You are one of the leaders in SIB (Sidang Injil Borneo), I take it that you are a man of conscience and morally upright. Can you accept this 'For Christian Only' and serial number stamp on your Bible?

Idris Jala, you are a leader, lead your flock to the path of the righteous. Not only the SIB and Catholic members will walk with you, I am sure Bishop Paul Tan and all Christians in Malaysia will walk with you to battle this injustice.

AkuMelayu: People, what's this fuss about the serial numbers? Even with the numbers, if you are pious enough, you will still go to heaven. And without the numbers, if you are sinner, you will land in hell. Just drop the issue and be a good human being.

Phra Ong Chao: By the same logic, why must the government create such a fuss over the holy book of the Christians? Even with the Bibles in existence, if you are pious enough, you still go to heaven (even if you don't read it). And without the Bibles around, if you are sinner, you will land in hell.

As Aku Melayu said, the government should just drop the issue and be a good human being (or human beings in this case).

One Fair: We must not accept the double standards. Why should the Bible in the Malay language have to have a serial number? If this is applied to all other holy books of all religions, only then we can accept such a condition.

Anonymous_3f44: This, as well as many of the on-going issues, speaks volume of the calibre of our so-called leaders. With such myopic views, how can they expect to attain 'developed nation' status. They are like the proverbial 'katak dibawah tempurung'.

My dear fellow Malay Malaysians, that the BN government in denying you access to the Al Kitab and other such literature is belittling your intelligence. I have no special affiliation to any particular religion. But that does not prevent me from reading the Bible, Buddhist Dharma, etc. Having such knowledge helps me to be a better man.

Anonymous: Instead of printing 'For Christians Only', it should be printed 'For Non-Muslims Only' on the cover of the Holy Book. Muslims in this country could see the Cross clearly printed on the cover and should know that they must not read it.

To be fair, any non-Muslims who entice Muslims to read or to have in their possession the Holy Bible should be charged in court.

Geronimo: First, they banned it. Then they want to label it. If these were not enough, one BN leader even suggested to have it printed locally with close supervision. If this is still not enough, now they want to serialise it.

For Heaven's sake, this is the Book of God. How could Umno leaders come to this level of humiliating God? I simply cannot understand.

If the Bible is so offensive to you, why not remove the 'Injil' from the Holy Quran? The way Umno behaves towards the Christians makes me believe that we are no longer dealing with human beings but with the Anti-Christ himself.

Insulted and angry Sarawakian: Do not collect the Bibles if they are going to impose conditions. Let the BN government feel the wrath of non-Muslim Sarawakians, Christians and non-Christians alike for so flagrantly disrespecting their right to religious freedom.

Let BN lose their fixed deposit of Sarawak and then see if PM Najib Razak will listen to people like Perkasa and Abim or abide by the federal constitution and allow us our freedom to practise our religion, including having the Bible in BM - the national language - without any restrictions.

Sarawakian_3ff9: Idris Jala, as a staunch Christian and a Sarawakian, you should resign from all government positions in protest. You have been made to look like a fool by Najib.

Get Hishammuddin Hussein to announce anything that has to do with this case instead of passing the buck to others. Is he or is he not the home minister?

Ridzuan: Shouldn't they put the words 'For Muslims Only' on 'Interlok'? - Malaysiakini

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