Friday, March 18, 2011


Lies – and there lies the problem

By Reina

Lie #1

Earlier this afternoon, the Deputy Prime Minister cum Education Minister said MIC President G. Palanivel was speaking to the three Indian members of the evaluation committee on the Interlok novel at that point in time.

This piece of news was flashed on TV and on various news portals and websites.

But up until 6.25pm today, the three members – Uthaya Shankar, Prof N.S. Rajendran and G. Krishnabahawan – claimed that no one had called them, according to the newly-formed National Interlok Action Team (NIAT).

Either Muhyiddin or Palanivel is lying, or the three panellists are.

Lie #2

Muhyiddin says that the ethnic Indian members of are still in the committee, saying that yesterday’s turn of events was a “misunderstanding”.

And committee chairman Prof Shamsul Amri Baharuddin said the panel had already completed its duties on March 4 and therefore the question of quitting did not arise.

But the three members are claiming that they withdrew from the eight-member panel yesterday.

Again: either Muhyiddin or Shamsul Amri is lying or the three panellists are.

Lie #3

Muhyiddin denied rejecting the 100 amendments to the novel suggested by the committee.

The three panellists are saying that the panel had reneged on their earlier consensus to make about 100 amendments to the novel, which is used in secondary school as a Malay literature text.

Again: either Muhyiddin is lying or the three panellists are.

What do you think?

1. Muhyiddin says that the 3 panellists have no problem with the amendments and didn’t walk out.

2. The 3 panellists were disgusted that their recommendations were bulldozed over and walked out.

Muhyiddin expects us to believe no. 1. If so, what was the strongly-worded press conference by the 3 panellists all about yesterday?

Who’s got the niat baik, and who’s got the niat jahat in all this?

- Hartal MSM

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