Friday, March 18, 2011

‘Interlok’ panellists want private meet with DPM

March 18, 2011

KUALA LUMPUR, Mar 18 — The three Indian representatives of an independent panel tasked with revising the “Interlok” novel have requested for an “exclusive” meeting with Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin to discuss their objections to its contents, MIC president Datuk G. Palanivel said today.

“The Indian panel members have requested me to arrange a meeting exclusively with only Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, who is also the education minister,” said Palanivel in a statement today.

He confirmed that the three panellists had not abandoned the revision process, and said that he had met two of them together with the prime minister’s special officer, Datuk Ravin Ponniah.

It was reported recently that there had been a walkout by the three representatives after they were asked to compromise by just omitting the word “pariah” from the novel, despite having recommended extensive changes in an earlier meeting.

“The panellists were only putting forward the feelings of the Indian community.

“The panellists told me that they have identified all the sensitive portions in the book and would present it to Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin,” said Palanivel, who added that the chapter on “Maniam” in the novel contained writings deemed hurtful by the Indian community.

“The education ministry should take our views seriously,” said Palanivel.

Muhyiddin has made it clear that the novel would not be dropped from the secondary school syllabus, stating that there was “no reason to do so.”

“This novel is a good novel. A lot of people have read it and it should not be a problem.

“The issue of removing it (“Interlok”) does not arise,” Muhyiddin said yesterday. - Malaysian Insider

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