Friday, March 25, 2011

Kor Ming calls Harussani's bluff on Datuk T sex video

Kor Ming calls Harussani's bluff on Datuk T sex video

Taiping MP Nga Kor Ming called upon Perak mufti (chief cleric)Harussani Zakaria to make a stand and state the punishment that should be meted out on the three individuals behind 'Datuk T' sex video based on Islamic teachings.

Nga said that as a devout Islamic figure, Harussani should release a press statement on what should be done about the trio who have disseminated pornographic material to the public with the intention of degrading a person’s image.

By doing so, Harussani would ensure that other Muslims would not follow their example.

“Harussani is a mufti who frequently voices out on religious matters even in political issues, so I would like to request his guidance and advice on what should be done now,” Nga told a press conference.

He said now that the three men have come forward and confessed, they should be arrested by the police. The trio are former Malacca chief minister Rahim Thamby Chik, businessman Shazryl Eskay, and Perkasa treasurer Shuib Lazim.

Menglembu assemblyman Lim Pek Har, Buntong assemblyman A Sivasubramaniam and Perak DAP secretary Teh Hock Ke were also present at the press conference.

Fitnah and Harussani

The Umno-linked Harussani is known for his controversial views and often comes out to support Umno whenever there is a dispute especially with the Islamist PAS.

Last week, he hit the headlines when he warned the release of some 35,000 controversially impounded Malay-language Bibles could lead to Malay anger and fearsome consequences.

He had said he was “afraid” the community would rise to oppose the ministry’s decision and create further tensions in the country's already tense racial relations.

“I am scared... everything can happen here. People are very unhappy and everything can happen,” Harussani had said to the media. "

"And like I said before, Islam is the official religion, enshrined in the Federal Constitution. So in Islamic practice, the word ‘Allah’ is for the Muslims. Already they question the Malay ‘special rights’ in the Constitution. We have never said anything about the other religions... we do not stop them from doing anything. They act as if this country is a Christian country.”

Christians and other civil society leaders condemned his remarks and called for him to be charged under the Sedition Act.

So far Harussani has maintained a deafening silence on the sex video scandal although fitnah or defamation is a major sin in the Muslim religion. - Malaysia Chronicle

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