Monday, March 28, 2011

Late night police drama at Azmin’s house

Three carloads of policemen arrive at the house of PKR deputy president Azmin Ali late last night in a show of “intimidation”.

PETALING JAYA: There was high drama when three police cars arrived at the house of PKR deputy president Azmin Ali in Gombak in late last night.

It is learnt that Special Branch officers had surrounded the house in a bid to arrest the Gombak MP for not obtaining a police permit to hold a ceramah on March 25.

PKR sources said the police wanted to seek a statement from Azmin on the illegally held ceramah.

However, Azmin was not at home. He was attending the party central leadership council meeting when the drama unfolded.

Meanwhile, PKR supreme council member N Surendran said the party may sue the police for their action.

“We are looking into the legal aspects,” he twittered.

Azmin, when contacted, said the police action was a form of “intimidation”.

“Why in the middle of the night?” he asked.

He told FMT that his wife had informed him of the incident.

“The police left a notice but there were still some officers stationed in front of my house,” Azmin said.

Meanwhile, Azmin’s lawyer, Latheefa Koya also slammed the police action.

She told the press that Azmin would not be able to be present at a police station as he needed to attend the Selangor State Legislative Assembly sitting today.

It is learnt that Azmin has been asked to report to the police tomorrow.

Selangor state exco member Saari Sungib and Batu Caves state rep Amir Saari have also been issued similar notices for them to report to the police.

During the Friday night ceramah, held to counter lies against PKR supremo Anwar Ibrahim, more than 3,000 PKR supporters turned rowdy when the police stopped Anwar from speaking. - FMT

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