Friday, March 25, 2011

Much ado with a sex video few have seen

your say'If these jokers are sure that Anwar is the man in the video, they could have just uploaded it on the Internet or make VCD copies and distributed them.'

Zaid: I saw the sex video, too

KBE: Many are asking for an independent body to verify the video's authenticity. We should not miss the point here.

Proving the video's authenticity simply means the video was not doctored or tampered with. But it does not prove that the person in the video is Anwar Ibrahim. The video could be authentic, but the person in the video may not be who it's alleged to be. The video's authenticity and the authenticity of the person in the video are two different things.

Another thing which does not make sense is why the perpetrator, after going to such trouble and pains to set up four video cameras, and allegedly arranging for Anwar to visit the spa to set him up, did not use better quality cameras with HD colour to capture the act. That way, the identity of the person will be undeniable.

Instead, as reported in the press, we have a video in monochrome, filmed in low lighting and mostly grainy. Obviously, the low quality video is to hide the shortcomings of the actor playing Anwar.

Singa Pura Pura: Dear Zaid Ibrahim, is it really of such great consequence if Anwar had consensual sex with a woman or man outside of his marriage?

But rape is different. Statutory rape is different. Murder is different. Abuse of executive and administrative power is different. Pecuniary corruption is different. Policies of deliberate racial segregation are different, as is the promotion of inter-religious animosity. These are the real deals that truly and deeply hurt the people and the nation.

You said Kita is an issue-based political prodigy, right? It seems to me like it's just a little, Anwar-whipping creature for now. Is this Carcosa Seri Negara issue, whether true or false, worth Kita's fuss? Was the alcohol issue worth Hulu Selangor's fuss? For the life of me, I cannot accept the sort of man you have turned into.

On your toes: I guess you can never see your own prejudices and biases, Zaid. Honestly, what you alluded to is about right. But right now, I don't even care whether or not Anwar did commit those acts.

You see, this country is being ruled by people no better than him, even if he had done those things. Our years of emphasis on religiosity and "holier than thou" indoctrination have made us numbed to the larger issues confronting this nation. We pride ourselves on what we can eat, how our prayers are seen and heard in public, what we should wear, how close we can sit beside an opposite sex and how we should behave even privately.

But right in our hearts, we are a hapless and depraved people - we live in total oblivion of immense injustice, double standards, abuse of power, corruption, greed, and arrogance of power right in our midst.

If Anwar is bad, and if he ever come to power, we the people will change him, you don't have to worry about that, Zaid.

It is not for Anwar to prove his innocence; it is for those morons to prove that the tape is authentic before they show it to the public. What about secret video recording, isn't that a crime? To set up an elaborate recording needs lots of resources and connection. Who is financing and doing all these?

Chuath: Why do we care if Zaid has seen the video or not unless he can add some facts to the matter? It appears that Zaid is merely trying to get media exposure.

Ferdtan: For a man who is supposed to be intelligent, Zaid, you are missing the wood for the trees. As you had claimed to have seen the sex video, we expect you to comment on whether the man in the video is Anwar. You could have said: yes it's him; or no, it's not him; or at best, I'm not sure.

Instead, you said neither: you just echoed the Umno lines, calling for investigation and testing on the authenticity of the tape.

Zaid, you are a hypocrite. I am ashamed of myself for believing in you before, and that's why my anger in you is greater than the other 'kataks'. If you were to pass my path, you can be sure that I shall withheld my breath until you had passed as the air has been fouled.

I have come across a word, 'nifaq', in the Arabic language which means deception, scheming and presenting an outward appearance of good while concealing its opposite. Are you one?

WikAdam: Oh, dear. Many of these Anwar followers really think that shouting down the messenger will bring the truth nearer to their side. If anything, their behaviour is bringing them closer to the Umno/BN way of doing things. Some of them in their frenzy to protect Anwar's reputation have even gone to the extent of saying it's okay for Anwar to sleep with prostitutes.

Yes, protect Anwar even to the point of being insensitive to his wife's feelings. If these are the kind of idiots supporting Pakatan, BN has nothing to worry about.

Michael Angelo: If these jokers are sure that Anwar is the man in the video, they could have just uploaded it on the Internet or make VCD copies and distributed them throughout the country, like the Chua Soi Lek video.

They know it is not Anwar but just want to drag his name through the mud and create a negative perception of him.

Malaysiawatch4.blogspot: Calling in international experts will cost a lot of money just like the Sodomy II case. Does it serve any purpose except to prove that many powerful forces want to weaken the opposition?

Kannan MSakti: Now we know why the 'Datuk T' team recommended Kita's Zaid as one of the panellists for the royal commission of inquiry. Zaid can be a member as he is one of PKR/Anwar's new enemies.

Nicholas Lim: I was right all along to support Azmin Ali as deputy president of PKR instead of this pompous lawyer Zaid, unlike many commentators who seemed to have been dazzled and frazzled by Zaid's nice sounding speeches and sop to the rakyat.

Imagine if this man were the deputy president of PKR now. He would be destroying Pakatan Rakyat from the inside out. At least now,harimau sudah tunjuk belang (the tiger has shown its stripes) and we don't want to listen to your speeches on governance, democracy and human rights anymore.

Fat Cat Ros: In Islam, is it perfectly legal to make and show in public pornographic movies? Why is it there is no noise from the religious authorities over the screening of this video by the Datuk T trio, all of whom, incidentally, are Muslims? - Malaysiakini

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