Thursday, March 17, 2011

No sex, please: Umi sues old flame, news portal for RM100mil

No sex, please: Umi sues old flame, news portal for RM100mil

Is Umi Hafilda running out of ideas to grab the media spotlight? Is she trying to stop an old boyfriend from touring the nation and telling the people especially the Malay folk in the rural areas shocking tales of their alleged sexcapades together in London? Or is she worried that certain top names such as shadowy former finance minister Daim Zainuddin might once again be linked to her and ex-prime minister Mahathir Mohamad?

Whatever her motives, a press conference and an 18-page statement of claim from the RM100 million libel suit she filed on Thursday against businessman Nor Azman Abdullah Baginda Minda and news portalMalaysiakini seem to suit her purposes well indeed.

Those who have observed her career since she burst into the political limelight in 1998 say she gets to kill "multiple" birds with one stone. But instead of success and the respectability that has always eluded her, infamy and further loss of credibility are more likely to be the consequences.

"We've always told the public to ignore her but they seem to like to hear all her juicy gossip. Sometimes they laugh with her, but sad to say, most of the time they are actually laughing at her," PKR vice president Tian Chua toldMalaysia Chronicle.

Sex and RM100 million - could anyone ask for more!

With such a gargantuan lawsuit, Umi does seem to have covered all necessary ground.

She gets publicity, revalidates her claim that she was a virgin (in 1998 at least), reiterates her denial of Nor Azman's testimony in court that she was lying because according to him they did have sex in London and she had begged him to leave his wife.

On a more sinister note, she also gets to gag the press or make them more cautious about rehashing what really happened in 1998 sodomy trial that Mahathir pressed against Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, who was then his deputy and also the Finance minister.

Big shots like Daim Zainuddin are known to be unhappy about being linked to that controversial trial which has been condemned worldwide as a blot on the country's judiciary, but even so, perhaps too much information has been documented about his role despite his denials.

Earlier this week on Tuesday, Nor Azman told Malaysiakini that he could no longer stand Umi alleged 'lies' against Anwar anymore.

The 44-year old sister of one of Anwar's staunchest assistants Azmin Ali has been going around the nation badmouthing the Opposition Leader, her own brother, sister-in-law and niece.

Yet Umi sees nothing wrong in slapping a suit on her ex-business partner when he threatened to do the same to her - which is to tour the country and wash her dirty linen.

Datuk Najib Altantuya and Nor Azman tell-all would be a sell-out tour

If both were to set up stall at side-by-side venues, few Malaysians have any doubts that the crowds would throng Nor Azman's "ceramah" rather than hers.

After all, he can be counted to talk about how it was like to sleep with her in 1998 when she was just 31 years old, while she can only hope to draw fresh laughter with her protestations of virginity.

Nor Azman is also bound to rehash what he told the court in 2001 that Umi had offered to give his ex-wife RM200,000 so that Umi and him could get married and elope to London. Nor Azman was not only married but also had two children at that time.

Umi has previously denied Nor Azman's allegations, which also included a RM10 million advertising deal from a Tourism ministry unit.

She is once again denying his allegations and is seeking an injunction to stop him and Malaysiakini from repeating or publishing further 'defamatory' statements about her.

“Baginda is merely a tool used by Anwar to defame me,” she told reporters on Thursday.

She also denied she was taking legal action because she was afraid Nor Azman would smear her with his proposedceramah tour.

Coincidentally, PKR is finalising a D.N.A or Datuk Najib Altantuya tour and there has been talk about combining it with the Nor Azman tell-all.

Fears have run high in the Umno camp that with such a star-studded lineup led by the PM himself, his alleged but murdered ex-mistress Altantuya, his current and overly ambitious wife Rosmah Mansor, a still-virile Nor Azman and a still pretty Umi, the PKR ceramah might become too popular and lift Anwar off onto a new wave of mass popularity.

Meanwhile, in her 18-page statement, Umi claims Nor Azman and Malaysiakini's March 15,2010 article implied:

  • that she was a desperate businesswoman who wanted more business opportunities
  • an immoral woman
  • a woman with many scandals
  • a lady who practises pre-marital sex
  • a person who cannot be trusted
  • a woman who is not truthful
  • a cheap woman who could be paid to do anything
  • a liar
  • a person who is willing to lie in court
  • was a person responsible in bringing allegedly present victim Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan in the present sodomy case.

- Malaysia Chronicle

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