Thursday, March 3, 2011

PAS tells Ummi to move on, Anwar not contesting Merlimau

JASIN, March 3 — PAS condemned Ummi Hafilda Ali as an Umno mercenary today, telling her to focus on the general election as her nemesis Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is not contesting in the Merlimau by-election.

The key witness in Anwar’s first sodomy trial resurfaced last night to resume her campaign against Anwar and her elder brother Azmin, who is PKR deputy president.

“This is a by-election, I would advise Ummi Hafilda that she can have greater impact in general election… Anwar is not contesting here,” Merlimau PAS election chief Datuk Abdul Halim Abdul Rahman told a press conference.

“This is dirty politics used by Umno to influence voters. She is what you call a paid mercenary, I really believe that she was paid,” he said.

Prior to Election 2008, Ummi was active in addressing Umno-organised rallies where she related her experience in exposing Anwar’s alleged sexual misconduct to former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Anwar was later convicted for abuse of power and sodomy and was released in 2004 after the sodomy conviction was overturned by the Federal Court, but is currently on trial for allegedly sodomising his former aide in 2008.

Ummi resurfaced recently when an interview with her appeared on the front page of Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia last year where she urged Azmin to repent.

Last night Ummi pledged that she will not stop until the downfall of Anwar, calling him an anti-Christ. - Malaysian Insider

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