Sunday, March 27, 2011

Perkasa to monitor sensitive issues

Perkasa has sent out an order to all its 'troops' to keep a look-out on bloggers, tweets, and newsportals.

KUALA LUMPUR: Perkasa, a Malay rights group, has instructed its grassroots members to monitor bloggers, tweets, news reports and news portals which raised sensitive issues.

They are asked to zero in on sensitive issues relating to Islam, Bahasa Malaysia, Malay special rights, citizenship of non-Malays and issues pertaining to the position of the King.

“I have told them to immediately lodge police report and give us a copy of the report (if they come across such articles,” Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali said at a press conference here today.

Perkasa has 5,940 grassroots leaders in 99 districts throughout the country, comprising former army personnel and police officials, and ex-parliamentarians and assemblymen.

Ibrahim, who is also Pasir Mas MP, said he has also instructed grassroots leaders to attend talks and seminars where certain individuals tended to raise sensitive issues.

“I want them to record and lodge police reports. In our interpretation of the law, these issues are sensitive, so we lodge reports. We’ll let the law take its course.”

He added that Perkasa has identified 15 personalities who have a tendency to raise sensitive issues.

Ibrahim also said that the grassroots leaders would embark on a campaign to educate the people on Malay special rights and the basis of the Federal Constitution.

“The core of our constitution that arose from the jus soli (right of the soil) principle is similar to the Medina Treaty signed during Prophet Muhammad’s time which (formed the basis ) of the understanding between Muslims and non-Muslims.”

Ibrahim also said Perkasa is not a racist organisation. “There is not even a single police report against us,” he added.

No to Al-Kitab

Ibrahim also said Perkasa supported the government’s action in labelling the Malay bibles or Al-Kitab.

“How many Malays are Christians? We don’t need a Malay bible but it is okay to have a Kadazan bible or a bible in any other language.”

“I would support calls for government funds to publish bibles in other languages.”

On the sex video allegedly involving PKR supremo leader, Anwar Ibrahim, he said:

“It is best that a royal commission be set up to investigate the matter. The Federal Territories Islamic Affairs Council should also conduct an investigation to verify the authenticity of the tape.” - FMT

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