Saturday, March 19, 2011

Pittance allocated for vernacular schools, says DAP

DAP vice chairman Kulasegaran says the 1Malaysia slogan rings hollow when national schools get better allocations compared to vernacular schools.

PETALING JAYA: The government’s failure in addressing the vast discrepancy in funds for national and vernacular schools onlys shows that the 1Malaysia concept is just a cheap political slogan.

DAP’s vice chairman M Kulasegaran said despite Barisan Nasional’s electoral setback in 2008, it had not changed its unfair policies towards vernacular schools.

“Under the Ninth Malaysia Plan, national schools are allocated RM33.30 per student every month.

“However, Tamil schools receive RM10.55 per student and Chinese schools receive only RM4.50 per student every month. Is this in line with 1 Malaysia concept?,” asked Kulasegaran.

Last year, MCA president Dr Chua Soi Lek’s request for additional allocations for Chinese schools came under criticism from the Malay Consultative Council (MPM).

The umbrella body for Malay groups claimed that only national schools are allowed to receive government funds under the constitution.

MPM also called upon the government to abolish vernacular schools and replace it with a single school system.

Withdraw Interlok

Kulasegaran, who is also Ipoh Barat MP took, Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin to task for not withdrawing controversial novel Interlok from schools.

“Is it not true the novel contains inaccuracies and demeaning words against the Indian community? Then, how would the book work towards promoting better racial understanding and forge unity?

“Is it not justified for the Indian community to demand the withdrawal of the novel for SPM students and why is the debacle been allowed to drag too long?

“I believe Muhyiddin can give the right answers, yet he would not provide the right solution-which is to withdraw the book,” he said.

On March 16, three members of an independent panel tasked to amend the novel quit the team in protest, claiming that their suggested amendments were rejected by Muhyiddin because it concerned “minute” details.

However, MIC president G Palanivel stepped in and told that the members, G Krishnabahawan, Uthaya Sankar SB and NS Rajendran were willing to work with the team again to resolve the matter. - FMT

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