Monday, March 21, 2011

PM, don't say we didn't warn you about Taib

your say'Is there any reason for Najib not to ask MACC to investigate Taib? I can only imagine that the PM is indebted to him...'

Sarawak Report does a WikiLeaks on 'land grabs'

One Fair: There is little wonder that Sarawak Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud is filthy rich along with his cronies given that large portions of the Native Customary Rights lands have been alienated. Why must Sarawakians wait any longer? Take this great opportunity to kick the CM out.

Is there any reason for PM Najib Abdul Razak not to ask the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to investigate Taib? I can only imagine that the PM is indebted to him, which explains his unwillingness to take action.

Lim Chong Leong: MACC, no action. Police, no action. BN, no action. We should not forget also those who have opposed him or his likes have disappeared like activist Bruno Manser and that sub-contractor guy who sued his brother.

Meantime, Sarawakians suffer extreme poverty and they need Selangor and Penang governments to help provide transportation for Penan school children.

Loyal Malaysian: Thank you to the brave and diligent folks of theSarawak Report for uncovering and posting the details of these 'land grabs' by Pek Moh (white hair), his family members and cronies.

If the rakyat of Sarawak do not hold him accountable for these excesses in the coming elections, then we might as well crown Pek Moh the eternal White Rajah of Sarawak.

C4: Macam ni terang-terang punya statement keluar pun kerajaan Malaysia tak boleh ambil tindakan and buat siasatan ke atas Taib Mahmud dan seluruh keluarganya. Kemungkinan sebab semua satu gang, kot?

Leo Antony: What more does the MACC need to act? What is Najib, DPM Muhyiddin Yassin and Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein afraid of? Why are MACC, MIC, Gerakan, SUPP, etc, all so quiet when such wealth is being pilfered and the poor of Sarawak cheated of their lands by the very person they voted to look after them?

Najib, your statement that BN is not perfect is notoriously short of the truth and you know that very well. Surely you have access to these land records? The land office knew about it all this while. The only people in Sarawak who did not know are the landowners themselves.

It hurts that the very people that the poor voted to look after their interest are robbing their land. It's shocking. And the BN government permits this without batting an eyelid.

Ghkok: This is daylight robbery. I don't remember anyone from BN bringing this up for the last 30 years. Even with the details streaming out over the last few months, there is no statement whatsoever from Umno, MCA, MIC, SUPP, Gerakan, PBS, LDP and all the other BN accomplices in Sabah and Sarawak.

Observer: My advice to the PM - you have to take the 'bulls by the horns'. Taib is certainly not a 'winnable candidate' in the state election. He brings along a huge amount of baggage that will bring down BN.

Tell him politely that he has served Sarawak long enough and it is now time for him to go. Nobody is indispensable. Don't say later that the rakyat did not warn you.

Anonymous_3e33: In West Malaysia, we have voted in some PKR state governments. Although the controlled media always mentioned that they lack experience in government, it is alright as they do not plunder the wealth of the rakyat.

Sarawakians, I hope you know what to do with an over-experienced state government that has been in power for too long.

Justice Seeker: It's just too bad that most people in Sarawak are illiterate. Their lifestyle is akin to "kais pagi makan pagi, kais petang makan petang". This latest expose means nothing to them, they won't understand the fraud caused by this timber robber. They are like the Felda Malays and the estate Indians.

As long as they are given some tit bits, they will happily vote for these band of robbers. These robbers lead extravagant lifestyle at the expense of the poor rakyat of Sarawak. They live in palaces and drive extremely posh cars, whereas most of the rakyat live in rickety longhouses.

Is this not a mockery of the highest order? As for action to be instituted by MACC, it's a foregone conclusion that no action will be taken despite clear-cut evidence. They close an eye on all the billions stolen by the BN politicians.

And ironically, if there are opposition members accused of wrongdoing over a peanut sum of money, MACC will immediately spring into action.

Atan-Toyol: How to get the information to the voters? The BN will try everything to block any effort to get them out to the voters, like blocking peninsular opposition leaders from going to campaign in Sarawak. The voters in the urban areas pose no problem; it is those who live in the interior. They count more now.

Alan Goh: MACC, apa tunggu lagi? The late Teoh Beng Hock alleged fraud was for a paltry sum of RM2,400, yet the commission launched the largest operation ever against Selangor Pakatan Rakyat.

Wong Jiang Fung: Spread the words, people. Sarawak natives in villages have no access to Internet. Newspapers and radio are - or will soon be - controlled and gagged, so they won't publish these. We can only count on words of mouth to bring the news to all the people in Sarawak.

Anonymous_3e4b: If the Catholic Church of Malaysia stays 'neutral' in the Sarawak state election, it merely confirms my suspicions that the church will always put the well-being of its organisation before truth and justice.

Remember what the Vatican did in World War Two? It betrayed the Jews with regards to Nazi Germany in order to protect its wealth and well-being. Up until now, the Vatican has never truly begged for forgiveness for that heinous act. Don't let history repeat itself in Sarawak. And yes, I am Catholic.

Pemerhati: Najib, Taib, Mahathir and many other BN leaders are essentially a bunch of robber barons. They have stayed in power by winning elections by using several crooked methods such as gerrymandering, racism, vote-buying and fraudulent postal voting.

They have then stolen billions of the people's money through various crooked strategies such as fraudulent land deals, getting kickbacks from overpriced negotiated contracts (e.g. IPPs, roads, ports, LRT, MRT) and government procurements, and the purchase of unnecessary and overpriced armaments (e.g. submarines).

To ensure that the plunder could be carried out without any hindrance Mahathir and BN destroyed the judiciary, enforcement agencies and the civil service by filling key positions with incompetent and unprincipled boot lickers, who were grateful to be promoted, and hence did whatever they were told, even if it was wrong and illegal.

Pakatan must go all out to inform the rural voters this truth if it is to win the coming elections

Singa Pura Pura: If the Czar of Sarawak had wanted to go on his own volition, he would have gone. If he could have been made to go (by Umno, who else?), he would have been gone. Umno/PBB would have been able to benefit from declaring: you people wanted him to go, he is now gone, vote BN.

But the empire of the inimical is too vast and the roots too deeply entrenched. We have allowed it to be so, and BN has made it so for us. Now, the Czar says he will only go if he wins again. That he will only favour the people - with his absence - if the people will lay prostrate in his continued and prolonged presence.

Such is the twist of trade that the Czar seeks with his people. Soon, the people of Sarawak will have their tryst with destiny. And when destiny has come and gone, only one will be left dancing and twisting - the Czar or the people of Sarawak.

Paul Warren: Botak Chin was an angel compared to Taib Mahmud based on these revelations. Yet Umno's BN hung Botak Chin and celebrated Taib Mahmud. - Malaysiakini

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