Sunday, March 27, 2011

Pots calling the kettle black: Soi Lek, Rahim slammed for 'over-the-limit' hypocrisy

Pots calling the kettle black: Soi Lek, Rahim slammed for 'over-the-limit' hypocrisy

In 2007, MCA Chua Soi Lek allowed lust to cloud his judgment. It cost him his Health minister’s job and the Labis parliamentary seat. But apparently, he has not learned his lesson.

This time, he has allowed his mouth to do his thinking. On Saturday, he was reported by the MCA-controlled Star newspaper as saying “the onus is on Anwar to prove that he is not involved in the video”.

Onus or not, Malaysians sure got a bonus from that report. Many who read it could not help laughing at him. It was the most viewed story for that day for the Star (scroll below to Related Stories to read).

PKR vice president Tian Chua too minced no words lambasting Chua for his ‘over-the-limit’ hypocrisy.

“I am sure Malaysians feel sickened when a politician who has a clear record of immorality known to the public at large tries to make comments about integrity and morality,” said Tian in a statement out on Sunday.

Under pressure

The 64-year old Chua is no stranger to sex videos. He was caught in full-colored action with his mistress in a hotel room in Johor. The clip was uploaded on You Tube and went viral.

When PKR assemblyman Elizabeth Wong became the target of smut peddlers allegedly backed by Selangor Umno leaders in 2009, Chua could still find some decency to sympathize with her.

But then he was still in the political wilderness, unaccepted by the MCA president of that time, Ong Tee Keat. Now it is a different story, Chua has managed to oust Tee Keat and is MCA president.

And he is under attack by the top Umno leadership, who sees his past sexual peccadilloes as a major liability.

Just days ago, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nazri Aziz raised eyebrows when he likened MCA to an abused wife, sparking talk that he was taking a dig at Chua’s adultery to his wife.

That may be among factors why Chua has rushed to hit out at Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim. Perhaps, it was a desperate bid to prove his own worthiness to Prime Minister Najib Razak, who has been accused of helping mastermind the 21-minute video showing a man who allegedly looks like Anwar having sex with a female prostitute.

“Chua may be trying to curry favour but the more politicians with a bad record like his defend the Umno conspiracy to defame Anwar, the more repelled Malaysians will feel,” said Tian.

Sleaze team

Najib and other Umno leaders have denied they were involved in the video.

But the manner in which the police conducted investigations and the way Najib has insisted the authenticity of the tape was more important than whether it was a conspiracy, while keeping a conspicuous silence on whether the man in the tape was Anwar, has boosted the belief that it was indeed a plot by the Umno elite.

So far, 3 men have confessed to being involved in the video. They are former Malacca chief minister Rahim Thamby Chik, businessman Shazryl Eskay and Perkasa treasurer Shuaib Lazim. All three are Umno members.

“Last Wednesday, Malaysians got a good laugh when it turned out that one of the culprits was Rahim Thambik Chik, who was forced to resign his political positions because he was charged for raping an underage girl. Yet Rahim’s reason for the sex video was because he wanted to ensure that future leaders of this country had impeccable morals,” said Tian.

“Last night, another BN politician Chua Soi Lek dared to also talk about morals when his own record is full of dirt from his own sex scandal."

Of oral sex and big mouths

It is worth noting that the BN government mysteriously dropped the statutory rape charges against Rahim.

Chua was investigated for distributing his sex DVD and also for a carnal act against the order of nature. In Malaysia, sodomy and oral sex are criminal acts punishable by fines and up to 20 years imprisonment.

Chua was cleared of charges of distributing his own sex video, but although he was clearly captured on film committing the “unnatural” sex act, Najib's government has not prosecuted him.

Yet , they are going full steam against Anwar, prosecuting him for sodomy charges that he says are fabricated and demanding his DNA samples. - Malaysia Chronicle

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