Saturday, March 19, 2011

Probe against Taib is long overdue

your say'Can the Sarawak CM prove where and how he became so rich? Umno should stop protecting him.'

TI-M calls for probe on Taib to stop slide in graft index

Disgusted: Some months ago, Minister in the PM's Department Idris Jala had the gall to say the government has been successful in fighting corruption. Stop bullshitting. As a Christian, you are committing umpteen sins lying for your political masters.

What does it profiteth a man if he gains a ministership, power and money but suffers the loss of his soul? Right in your own backyard, people are living in abject poverty and are being exploited and oppressed by the allegedly corrupt Sarawak Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud and the BN government which you are responsible for and support.

Who are you kidding - that the government has been successful in fighting corruption? See how the government you support and are part of is sliding down the corruption index. Maybe BN can fool the people of Sarawak but not God.

Prov:14:34 - Righteousness exalts a nation but sin (corruption and injustice) is a disgrace to any people. Prov: 12:7 - Wicked men are overthrown and are no more but the house of the righteous stands firm.

Food for thought for you.

PS: That's the way to go, Transparency International-Malaysia (TI-M). You are doing what you should have been doing a long time ago.

You have to lead the way to get rid of corruption at the highest level. You have the rakyat's support to heighten awareness that the MACC (Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission) needs to be very objective in its investigation no matter who the person this.

The public has the perception that only the 'ikan bilis' are caught and prosecuted, while those at the top are seldom throughly investigated.

Anonymous_4196: MACC, PDRM (Royal Malaysian Police) - what are you waiting for?

Mingxiang: After the TBH (Teoh Beng Hock) case where the MACC vigorously 'investigated' an alleged abuse of funds by an opposition MP, I find the commission to be totally without any credibility.

Why? Because in this case, only RM2.400 was involved, which was a measly sum by any yardstick. Don't give the bullshit that all corruption, whatever the amount, must be fully investigated.

It is clear as daylight that big-time cases like the Scorpene submarines scandal and the unaccounted obscene wealth of the Sarawak chief minister and Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his sons are ignored.

The zeal and enthusiasm by the MACC in pursuing the TBH case, which led to the poor fellow's tragic demise, was totally necessary.

Anonymous_3f1f: Following the same context of Perkasa, Gaps, Wanita Umno and Zaid Ibrahim who had insisted that Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim should provide his DNA to clear his name, I too strongly request that Taib take heed of TI-M to be probed by MACC to clear his name. Otherwise, the people would perceive him as corrupted.

Ghkok: The MACC reports to the PM's Department. Surely there must be accountability somewhere and surely it has to be those at the top.

MKini Reader: Taib is the bane of the country, famous in and out of the country for being a corrupt dictator like those in the Middle East. A probe on him is way long overdue. But MACC is a toothless tiger. As long as it sits on the safe side, and no matter how it meows, it will seen as a BN agent.

Transparency: We understand that MACC is already investigating Taib on their own. We believe that they will be able to carry out the necessary actions impartially and professionally.

However for such a case as this, it will take time and a trial by media should be avoided and not of public interest. Other enforcement agencies and regulators should also investigate the case to determine whether there have been violations of the country's laws.

Mirror Thyself: Correction... MACC has been requested to take its own sweet time to investigate Taib. Thereafter, the file will be lying in the Attorney-General's Chambers to gather dust. That's their level of commitment in eradicating corruption.

ONG: How to really investigate one of BN's biggest fund contributors at every general election?

KJ John: The people of Sarawak should recognise that corruption is evil; and that all corrupt leaders should be thrown out without fear or mercy. Can the Sarawak CM prove where and how he became so rich? Umno should stop protecting him.

Ayoyo: I fully agreed with TI-M. The integrity and credibility of PM, MACC, Bank Negara and the government is at stake. If PM Najib Razak is silent on this, his credibility is further eroded and the rakyat's trust and confidence will sooner or later plunge.

Mr PM, your quick interference is very much and urgently needed, or else BN will be affected by this 'huge liability' of yours.

Justice Seeker: "MACC is an independent commission that investigates on its own accord without receiving instructions from anyone, and (it investigates) without 'fear and favour', and is never selective in its investigations," said MACC in a statement to the media.

My foot. The Global Financial Integrity report and Barry Wain's book 'The Malaysian Maverick' has clearly shown evidence that the Umno/BN 'robbers' have fleeced the country of billions of ringgit. Yet no action taken.

But the moment they have an inkling of possible corruption involving the opposition, for example Teoh Beng Hock's case, they will quickly institute action. They are not serving the rakyat's cause but Umno's.

Quigonbond: MACC is asking Malaysians to cease speculation on its investigations? That's a load of arrogance. We, the Malaysian taxpayers, are free to speculate what we want.

If you want us to stop speculating, then be more transparent and report on your successes/efforts. You may not need to give us specific names, but do give us enough to build our confidence in you, which at this point is negligible.

Kenneth_3486: My dear Transparency International, the writing is already on the wall a long, long time ago...

- Malaysiakini

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