Monday, March 21, 2011

Same Old Tune and Worn-Out Plots! *updated*

Don't you think the timing is a bit iffy? The Sarawak State Assembly was dissolved this morning and instead of being in pre-election mood, many Malaysians are agog with a new bizarre development that has blazed across cyberspace. I am talking about the reports in:

a) The Star
b) The Malaysian Insider
c) Free Malaysia Today

Those reports tell of how Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim, who is facing a Sodomy II trial, is caught in another alleged sexual misconduct in the form of a sex video clip. The video appears to show the man who looks like Anwar engaging in a sexual act with a “Chinese” woman.

It all sounds as if it has been recycled from old, worn out plots...

Over HERE, Pakatan Rakyat leaders today questioned the authenticity of a video clip that its promoters claim show opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim having illicit sex.

Many of them believe that the screening of the video by a man calling himself “Datuk T” was to divert attention from major problems facing Barisan Nasional as it prepares for the Sarawak state election.

I read all the reports on this topic and the accompanying comments - most entertaining indeed but the fact remains that worn-out plots are being used.

We saw this in a few cases involving a few politicians on both sides of the divide - all of which created a mad scramble for those alleged videos both at pasar malams and even online websites!

I find it most puzzling to read in FMT that the people behind the exposé remained secretive, only saying that they would show the video to Anwar and his wife Wan Azizah Wan Ismail in a week’s time for them to ascertain the identity of the man in the clip.

A couple of questions are running through my mind.

1. Why a week? If indeed it is who they claim to be, there should be no doubt at all in the veracity of the video recording. Why then the seven-day interval?

2. While The Star reported that there were a total of four hidden cameras, I am baffled as to how they said Datuk T has such sharp vision to be able detect that the brand of the watch is Omega. Awesome. Does it mean super-sonic high-powered cameras were used? :-)

3. Instead of focusing on finding the identity of the woman, they are barking up the wrong tree. Should they not find out her identity from the authorities concerned? Once they can find the woman, isn't it easier for them to confirm if indeed the man in the video is who they claim? Nope. They prefer their preferred script - the overused, worn-out, boring plot with the most predictable ending. Gosh -it almost sounds like a Grade C movie that many studios rejected!

Talking about overused familiar plots, are they going to go down the same avenue of investigations that they did with Saiful if you get my drift? Interestingly, they mentioned "The woman, after wiping herself with some tissue, then rummaged through the politician’s belongings, fishing out what Datuk T said was an Omega watch." Was that action a foreshadowing of other avenues of investigation that ring familiar?

4. I find it very sad that any news of sex scandals always attract attention but not that of those who are suffering in abject poverty or other social problems such as child abuse, wife abuse and other issues.

5. Initially, they painted a negative picture of DSAI with regards to his alleged liaisons in Sodomy I and Sodomy II. Now it appears that it is a different tale. Granted that he has disappointed many like me who believed him when he spoke at length about Sept 16th 2008 but to resort to this new development and cast aspersions on a man who is 63 with a record of two trials, a back problem, a devoted wife with an up and rising political star in his daughter is quite ludicrous. Who in his right frame of mind would risk it all at this stage of life after going through so many trials and tribulations, and at a time when the morale of PKR is dwindling?

6. In another report HERE, Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said today that the police will not investigate an alleged sex video of a top opposition leader unless the person files a report. It is a very tricky situation because coming forward to make the report could be deemed as the person acknowledging that it looks like him, sounds like him but is not him.

Secondly, I am concerned that the police are not investigating this video especially since there has been a formal viewing by media personnel in a hushed kind of environment. According to THIS SITE, possession of pornographic material is illegal. So, are they going to take action? If not, why?

What is the main motive of this whole scenario? Only God knows. May all involved tell the truth now rather than repenting when they see their Maker!

I don't know about you but I am tired of listening to the same old tunes and watching worn-out plots being played before my eyes. Change is needed in every sense of the word!!!


7. Why can't Datuk T reveal his identity? If he is so sure he knows the identity of the person in the video, there should be no cause to hide.

8. Why is he calling for the wife of the alleged person to resign? Is he implying that she is her husband's keeper and must be punished together with him? If indeed DSAI is implicated, then it is obvious the call for his wife to resign can be perceived as a move to weaken the leadership of PKR. So what is the real motive?

The Malaysian Insider carried a report HERE which said:

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim denied today that he was the man filmed having sex with a woman in a hotel room on February 21, and called the emergence of the video recording today a “scurrilous attack” against him, his family and Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

“Yes, I deny sternly this scurrilous attack, I categorically deny,” he told reporters this evening when asked point-blank if he was the man in the video recording.

He added that he was at home with his wife, Datin Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, their children, grandchildren and members of his staff, on the night in question. CLICK HERE FOR MORE.

Another update at 6.48p.m. which shocked me beyond words:

According to THIS LINK:

A video recording purportedly showing a senior Malay opposition leader having sex with a suspected prostitute, was screened in the MP's lounge in Parliament hours after being shown to members of the media earlier this morning.

Sources told The Malaysian Insider the video was played on a laptop belonging to a Parliament official, in the smoking area of the lounge, and seen by several Barisan Nasional (BN) lawmakers and reporters from an Umno-owned online news portal. CLICK HERE for the rest of the entry.

The plot thickens!! What next?

courtesy of masterwordsmith

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