Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Split in Perkasa as senior leader mulls quitting

KUALA LUMPUR, March 29 — Speculation is rife that outspoken Perkasa Youth chief Arman Azha Abu Hanifah has threatened to quit, and follow the footsteps of ex-Perkasa Wiranita (Women’s) chief Raihan Sulaiman Palestine.

Perkasa, the Malay rights group, is understood to be facing serious infighting because of disagreement among the the top leaders over the way the group is being managed.

It is now expected to face a serious split if Arman goes ahead with his plans to resign, although president Datuk Ibrahim Ali has not even accepted Raihan’s resignation.

The Malaysian Insider understands that Arman, who has been in the forefront of Perkasa-led demonstrations, is quitting over unresolved internal conflicts within the Malay rights group.

Arman has so far refused to deny or confirm the news, saying instead that an announcement on the matter will be made soon.

“There will be a 4pm press conference on the matter,” Arman told The Malaysian Insider via email.

Raihan confirmed her resignation from the group with The Malaysian Insider, but stressed that the decision to quit was based on personal reasons, not because of any internal strife within Perkasa.

“No, no. The decision was a personal one, I could not give full attention...Perkasa is moving along fine, there is no problem, she told The Malaysian Insider.

“I am still a Perkasa member,” she stressed.

Perkasa was formed by Ibrahim after 2008 to address and champion what the Pasir Mas MP claimed was a gradual erosion of Malay rights after the last general elections. - Malaysian Insider

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