Sunday, March 27, 2011

Taib's rich daughter: Who are you kidding?

your say'As they say, crooks always have a way of explaining things. Umno crooks are experts at this. They have learnt the art of cheating and lying...'.

Taib defends family business empire in cyberspace

Docs: As with all dictators, after being in power for so long, their sense of right and wrong and of morality will naturally become warped.

Here we have Abdul Taib Mahmud on Youtube trying to justify something so outright haram as somewhat halal with regards to his family's business empire, for which all sound-minded Malaysians are aware, was fuelled by his plundering of Sarawak over the past 30 years.

The other truly Malaysian dictator, Dr Mahathir Mohamad, had also once implied that his son is a billionaire out of his own business acumen, and that he as prime minister had not helped Mokhzani in any way. Believable or not?

Other renowned dictators in the Asean region - Marcos, Suharto and the Burmese junta - all have plundered their nation bone dry but on camera are ever willing to justify their actions as safeguarding national interests.

Avatar_3e8a: And Muammar Gaddafi says all Libyans love him.

Dood: Does Taib really think people are that stupid? I mean, come on, he is stooping so low as to create a clone website, 'Sarawak Reports'. This suggests that he is more than interested to try to hide the truth.

Rosmin Shahril: As they say, crooks always have a way of explaining things. Umno crooks are experts at this. They have learnt the art of cheating and lying, and they have even attained doctorate degrees for it.

Ponto: Taib, despite your enormous wealth and the immense political power that you wield, you have truly shown yourself as a gutless corrupt leader without principles, for when you were challenged by Sarawak PKR chief Baru Bian to a public debate on native customary rights (NCR) land, your cowardice was clearly displayed and you had scurried away in haste with your tail between your legs.

The sheer absurdity and audacity of your present claims that your family had prospered and expanded their global empire worldwide solely through fair dealings and business acumen is a damnable and outright lie and a slap on the face of all decent and fair-minded Malaysians, especially the Sarawakians.

Nenek T: Malaysia should make Jamilah a trade and industry minister or perhaps a finance minister. And her husband too can be given a ministerial position. Surely our economy will shoot up beyond belief.Sudah lah Taib ... kita bukan bodoh.

Dark Knight: The fact Taib chose to name his website 'Sarawak Reports' speaks volumes about his cunning and deceitful nature. This was done to confuse and mislead readers - that they may be deceived into logging on to his website rather than the whistleblower's site 'Sarawak Report'.

Had he been a truthful and courageous person, he would not have resorted to such manipulation and deceit. Another question that should come into the readers' minds, "Why now?" Is it because of the state election?

Onyourtoes: You know, the greatest tragedy is us, the people. We allow the same person to hold absolute power year after year. After a while, the consequence becomes fatal. Did we not see the whole Rajang river log-jammed, killing thousands of fish and causing untold environmental damage to the state?

The tragedy is we the people - the vast majority of us - can still be satisfied with a tin of Milo, some cheap biscuits and perhaps RM50 in the envelope.

Pietiring: What can we do? Either the majority of Sarawakians buy his story or he buys the majority of Sarawakians. - Malaysiakini

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