Sunday, March 20, 2011

To the tribal folk, Taib and team are still like 'gods' to be worshipped

To the tribal folk, Taib and team are still like 'gods' to be worshipped

When Hernan Cortes and his Spanish armada arrived in Tenochtitlan (present day Mexico City), the Aztec natives thought he was their God, Quetzalcoatl. They worshipped the Spaniards but the Spaniards oppressed and subjugated them. Their worship of Cortes in the end destroyed them when their Aztec leader Montezuma and his people were wiped out by the Spaniards.

In Sarawak, the natives worship Chief Minister Taib Mahmud so much so that even if they have been oppressed and subjugated, they know it not. The native people of Sarawak treat Taib as some sort of benevolent deity who can do no wrong. As for their abject poverty, they have come to accept it as a way of life, something that is normal and natural. Therefore, they never question or grumble about their lot in life.

It is in the interests of Barisan Nasional to keep the natives uninformed, misinformed and badly informed. These simple folk know not of Taib's immeasurable wealth and riches and the empire he has built.

Due to their ignorance, they continue to vote Taib and BN election after election after election as they are dutifully grateful for the little cash and food hampers that are given to them nearing election time and during the election period.

The only silver lining is that education and awareness campaigns have been making an impact, cutting back at Taib's influence slowly but surely. The ball is round and just as no one can predict the outcome of a football match, success is likely but no longer a given for the 74-year old.

Villians? To the tribal folk, Taib and team are like 'deities'

Nevertheless Dr Hiew King Cheu who campaigned in the Sibu by-election last year, admits it is very difficult to change the mindset of the natives.

"Sad to say, many of the natives go for short-term instant-noodles gratification - RM500 and a food hamper, perhaps even a television set. They do not understand that for the long-term and for a better future it is imperative to change the government," Hiew, the DAP MP for Kota Kinabalu, told Malaysia Chronicle.

In the natives' simplistic view, when BN leaders visit them, it is as if they have been graced by the visitation of the gods who will render showers of blessing upon them. In the natives' psyche, BN has taken on the role of a deity or a god and these BN leaders should therefore be accorded undivided loyalty.

That's why the BN leaders receive the adoration of the masses amounting to worship. There seems to be an aura of invincibility surrounding Taib and the BN leaders who manipulate the mind of the Sarawakian natives through showmanship speeches.

These natives, through government propaganda and control of the mainstream media, have created for themselves a visible 'godhead' in Taib Mahmud. But sad to say, it is through this tangible 'deity' which they themselves created that they are oppressed, suppressed and repressed.

Thus, Taib - despite the mountain of corruption allegations dogging him, his family and many members of his BN team - are expected to survive. They may retain the upperhand although the upcoming state election will be their most bitter and the toughest yet.

"BN uses the taxpayers' money to give short-term benefits to the natives and by doing that, they have secured the natives' votes. Thus, the natives will forever be enslaved in poverty because their mind has been enslaved," said Hiew.

"They will forever remain in BN's grip as they are unable to wean themselves away from the instant gratification culture. Good governance, transparency and accountability in government administration are alien to them. It is very difficult to explain these concepts to them and therefore, Sabah and Sarawak will continue to be BN's fixed deposit."

The truth will set you free

In the Bible, there is a verse which says, 'the truth will set you free.' How true! If the natives know the truth about Taib, they will not vote him anymore. But as long as the truth is hidden from them, they will continue to be enslaved and will not know that their idol has got clay feet.

Sarawak is indeed a very sad story of downtrodden peoples who continue to perpetuate their own situation due to being kept in ignorance and due to being gullible.

The Penan women have been raped and victimised. Though this horror continue to exist, little is being done to assist them.

For this sin, surely not just the state BN but also the federal government must be responsible. A National Task Force report itself depicts the abuses, yet Prime Minister Najib Razak continues to praise Taib to the skies for in Taib's hands lies his own fate.

Najib needs Taib to survive and not vice versa. So don't expect any help from Kuala Lumpur.

"When general election comes, BN will pile the natives with gifts and continue to get their votes. Even now, promises are being made by BN to obtain their support. But after BN wins, the BN MP or state assemblyman will say to the natives, 'I have already raised the issue of your grouses to the higher-ups and they are looking into it' or 'I have asked the government to build the roads, streelights, toilets but they have told us to wait as the allocation is going to be approved," Hiew continued to recount.

He has seen the same story played out over again and again. The natives continue to live without electricity and water supply while waiting for the BN's promises to be fulfilled. But nothing ever changes and the situation will always remain this way so long as the natives continue to vote BN, he warned.

"Listen to the voice of truth because only we can free ourselves. We must use the power of the ballot box to claim what is righfully due to us," Hiew urged his fellow Sarawakians. - Malaysia Chronicle

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