Saturday, March 26, 2011

Where is the opposition's sense of morality?

Every UMNO or BN leaders with established morality issue leave the political scene.

Even Dato Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek resigned and left the scene but came back and surprisingly got re-elected. That is a something puzzling that only MCA delegates can rationalised.

Why are those caught Pakatan leaders and politicians getting away scot-free?

None have resigned from their post and left politics. Some still remain actively in politics and ignoring the public resentment of their moral standing.

Forget about trying to argue which is the bigger sin: Corruption or adultery?

It is not a case of either or but neither nor. Leaders or politicians with any of those weakness will have to go.

If one cheats on your own spouse or deviate from adhering to one's own value from own faith or culture, who is trust such person to be community or national leaders.

Caught in a khalwat case, Mat Sabu is still actively making a living as a popular PAS penceramah.

Elizabeth Wong, so-called victim of her voyeaur Malay toy boy but still an adulterer, is still busy in politics without any ounce of shame or guilt.

Lim Kit Siang's affair with one Mummy Foo has not caused a sensation yet. However, MP for Wangsa Maju have yelled "Mummy Foo!" at him in Parliament and he obligingly sat down and dare not to make any ruckus.

There have been many extramarital misadventures by PAS State Assemblymen and Members of Parliamant but all seem to ignore and even had Tok Guru Dato Nik Aziz protection.

Other than Eli Wong, there are lots of extra marital affairs involving PKR leaders. Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim is one suspect. Why would he not dare make a police report of the noisy snooping video recorder in his office?

Off course, the grand daddy of them all is Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim? He was acquited on technicality by a uncommon occurance of Federal Court review but all judges still insist the sodomy event occurred.
Someone counted to say that 11 judges agreed Anwar did sodomise Azizan Abu Bakar.

There is still that spring bed evidence with 13 spots showing DNAs from Anwar and Shamsidar's semen. Case still not closed and can be reopened on new evidence. Police can reinvestigate based on leads from court proceedings.

Anwar and Saiful's case looks likely to establish aprima facie case where Anwar has to defend himself.

And now the sex video with a China Doll and lost Omega watch.
Why are party members, machinery and leaders defending it's sexually or morally wayward leaders?

Any UMNO. MCA and MIC leaders with any extramarital issues left with the exception of Dato Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek. You have to ask the MCA members for reelecting him back.

Before anyone try to jump and say UMNO also and Altantunya, we'll repeat again to those trigger happy commentators. Established it first!
Court record shows no link with Dato Seri Najib. Forget about associating DNA with Dato Najib Altantunya. As far as Saiful court proceeding is concerned, DNA will meanDiliwat Nuar Aljuburi by mid-April.

Karpal Singh would attest that no mention of Najib or Datin Seri Rosmah in court. Otherwise, Azrilah and Sirul will be scot free.

Abdul Razak Baginda admited all that needs admitting with respect to his relation to Altantunya. It is established that Azrilah and Sirul mistaken Razak's instruction "get rid of her" as kill her.

Finally C4 is accessible to UTK officers. It is more the ammunition storekeeper problem.

Check the court records and get conclusive facts. Don't listen to hearsays of those factually deficient but loud teh tarik gossipers under pokok ketapang.
Even if you are to raise about Zian Zain and Najib, establish it!

There can only be one reason for opposition not willing to go for the truth: politics. More precisely, it is about achieving their objective of gaining political ground.

Let's read The Star report that shows how they played the politics to focus their political assault on crime of porn peddling through these legal proxies:

Lawyers: Possession and screening of the video a criminal act

PETALING JAYA: Datuk T's action in showing media representatives video footage of several sex acts, allegedly featuring a top politician, is an offence under the Film Censorship Act 2002, said criminal lawyers.

Under Section 5 of the Act, no person shall have in his possession, control or ownership of any film material which is obscene or against public decency.

It also states that no person shall circulate, exhibit or distribute these film materials, and anyone guilty of it can be jailed not more than five years or fined between RM10,000 and RM15,000, or both.

Criminal lawyer Datuk K. Kumaraendran said Datuk T (revealed to be Tan Sri Rahim Tamby Chik, Datuk Shazryl Eskay Abdullah and Datuk Shuaib Lazim) had breached the law by being in possession of the sex video.

“It is also an offence to exhibit such a video,” he said, adding that police could investigate the trio under this section of the Act.

However, he said police would first have to determine if the sex video was indeed obscene.

Kumaraendran added that the trio could be charged under Section 499 of the Penal Code for criminal defamation if it was proven that the man in the video was not Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Another criminal lawyer, Amarjit Singh Sidhu, said they could also be investigated under Section 292 of the Penal Code, which is similar to Section 5 of the Film Censorship Act.

However, the penalty under Section 292 is lighter with imprisonment of up to three years, or a fine, or both.

“They can also be investigated under Section 503 of the Penal Code which deals with criminal intimidation,” he said.

Criminal lawyer Sreekant Pillai stressed that police should be allowed to carry out their investigations without political pressure.

“All parties should be investigated fairly. Politicians shouldn't point fingers and interfere,” he said.
... blah blah blah this Act, this Section, this clause ...

In Islam, it is also immoral to shame and make public a person's weakness. How will that apply for a public figure and leader with many followers? By keeping quite and not exposing it, will that tantamount to abetting or in arabic, subahah to allow him to decive the public.

How about the act of zina by person allegedly to be Anwar Ibrahim? That is haram in Islam. It is an offense under syariah law.

Isn't there also civil law against prostitution? Naturally, visiting such a brothel or such illegal establishment is equally wrong and an offense under the law.

Why is the Pakatan leaders, followers, supporters, and proxies keeping quiet and overly highlighting the offense of the Trio?

The ball should be given a highly spinned return to Anwar's court. Soi Lek is right to say in this Star report.

Prove it was not you in sex video, Chua tells Anwar

KOTA BARU: Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek has called on Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and other opposition leaders to cooperate with the police in their investigations into the sex video case.

The MCA president said Anwar, who has been implicated as one of the actors in the video, should come clean on the matter.

“The matter is in the hands of the police and we hope they conduct the investigation professionally.

“The onus is on Anwar to prove that he is not involved in the video and it is a golden opportunity for him to prove that he is innocent and give his fullest cooperation to the police in the course of the investigation,” Dr Chua told reporters after attending the MCA 1Medical fund-raising dinner at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce hall here last night.

Also present was Kelantan MCA committee chairman Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen.

Dr Chua said the video issue should not be politicised, adding that the people should leave the matter to the police to investigate.

Read the complete news here.
Let's not lose sight of the ball.
PM: Truth matters most in sex video

KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said validity and truth are paramount questions that must be answered in connection with the sex video allegedly involving a prominent opposition politician and a foreign prostitute.

The Umno president said the issue over the controversial video recording was among the topics discussed during the party's supreme council meeting here last night.

“As a party which bases its principles on the truth, Umno wants to know the validity and truth which must be sought and not diverted to other matters,” he told reporters after chairing the meeting at the party's headquarters at Menara Onn here.

He said it was vital that the truth be found, in particular through detailed and professional police investigations, including the contribution from experts in the field of video recording.

Najib said Umno had nothing to do with the recording and that allegations of its involvement was done to divert attention.

“There are certain quarters who claimed that it is a conspiracy and this is just to divert the attention to the crux of the matter of whether such an act was recorded or not,” he said.

As to whether the recording could have been doctored, he said such an act would be detected via detailed investigations.

“If there were attempts to technically alter the recording, this would easily be detected. Experts scrutinising the recording will surely be able to tell if it was doctored,” he said.

He said calls for the setting up of a Royal Commission of Inquiry to probe the video is not one for Umno to decide, adding: “It is for the Government to decide.”

The complete news here.
Few years ago, this blogger had a teh tarik with few PAS leaders. They were told Anwar will not survive the second sodomy case and he has a serious morality issue.

They said they are aware of it and doing it with their eyes open. Hope their eyes are really open.
PAS have since lost their moral and political ground to claim themselves as a political party struggling for an Islamic because of their confusing stance and flip flop statements by their leaders, not too mentioned Nik Aziz's bad mouth.

They are neither seen as a Malay party for their willingness to be subservience to DAP and PKR and the dissociating from taking care of Malay interest.

PAS grassroots are embarassed to continue defend Anwar's immoral trysts and the leaders can sink and swim with Anwar, they are not anymore.

Between Anwar and UMNO, Anwar is the bigger evil to PAS's cause. PAS has visibly lost moral ground by defending Anwar. Learn it from UMNO, a moral ground once lost takes time to revive.

Like everything else, the truth will prevail in the long run.
When it finally prevailed and people is awakened, PAS and PKR could be history.

- Another Brick in the Wall

1 comment:

  1. The writer of this article does not seem to see the wood for the trees.

    He should be asking why the infidelity and/or escapades by the members of the ruling party and its cohorts are not as widely reported as those by the Opposition.

    If the immigration arrival records of a visitor from Mongolia can be eraased, then he/she must surely question the integrity of information released to the public.


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