Monday, March 21, 2011

‘Will Sabahans have to face security threats alone?’

The federal government must first clear the air about self-proclaimed 'Sulu Sultan' Mohd Akjan Ali Mohamad, if it is to find a solution to the issue of illegal immigrants.

KOTA KINABALU: Security issues in Sabah are “growing by the day” and a Barisan Nasional (BN) MP wants the federal government to state its stand.

Upko’s Ranau parliamentarian Siringan Gubat said the federal government must reveal how it intended to deal with these thorny issues.

He said that chief among them was immigration reform to tackle the swelling population of immigrants and their steady intrusion into the state’s social and political make-up.

He said the federal government has not made its stand clear on Sabah businessman of Filipino descent, Mohd Akjan Ali Mohamad, who declared himself heir to the Sultan of Sulu and named himself Sultan Saripul Hashim II.

Siringan, who is also Upko vice-president, said that Akjan should have been investigated for violating, insulting and degrading the ruler of this country and its sovereignty.

“What he did on Feb 2 (declaring himself as heir of the Sultan of Sulu), cannot by taken lightly,” he said.

He said this issue along with the massive presence of illegal immigrants in the state and the clandestine issuance of MyKads to them has been in the spotlight for a long time, but the government has not responded.

Siringan pointed out that most Sabahans believed that they have lost control of their state and government.

“Will the federal government allow Malaysian citizens in Sabah to face these threats alone?

“What will be the most effective action that the government can take on these issues?” he asked during last week’s sitting of the State Legislative Assembly.

Chronic diseases

The two issues that Siringan touched – illegal immigrants and issuing MyKads to them – have been around for many years without any solutions in sight.

“All these issues including the Akjan case are like chronic diseases affecting the native people. It threatens the life of Malaysians in Sabah.

“These threats can be likened to cancer – when the time comes it will kill all the main cells and cause death,” he said.

“These illegal immigrants are like kayu ara (a generic name for a species of Ficus – woody trees – which will take shelter near a big tree until it eventually overwhelms the latter).

“They grow and become bigger than the local people… this is not a joke… this is happening in my own constituency,” said Siringan.

“Sabah is now exposed to the growing threat posed by illegal immigrants,” he said.

“The people feel their security is no longer guaranteed now. They are afraid, angry and frustrated,” he added. - FMT

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