Tuesday, March 22, 2011

X-Rated Malaysia

An opposition politician is being linked to a new sexual scandal. His political opponents, namely minister Nazri Aziz, have challenged him to swear by the Quran that he was not involved in the new video.

This new allegation, whether it is true or false, is set to damage Malaysia's reputation especially the image and credibility of our politicians. Malaysia's political scene is probably more sensational than the latest action/fictional drama on the local TV. There is a mixture of alleged sexual misconduct, sodomy, conspiracy and murder. Some are real but some are lies...

The people are left wondering who they can really trust to help address the multifarious issues faced by the country.

I have a few issues & questions with the recent development:

1) Why is there a need to swear by the Quran?
2) Is the alleged act an offence under the Malaysian law?
3) Can the 'messenger' refuse to pass the video recording to the authority?
4) Should a special police unit be formed to investigate the video? Aren't there are more pressing issues which should be investigated?
5) What is the real intention of the 'whistle blower'? Should we encourage the use of such tactic to bring down a personality or a politician?

However, I would like to be consistent with my stand here. If the video is authentic, it is a moral obligation for the alleged person to step down from all public offices.

If the video is not authentic, the same call goes to the perpetrator(s).

Malaysia needs something healthier and positive. We need to change our political culture and politicians.

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