Thursday, March 24, 2011

Zaid Ibrahim on the Sex Video

It would appear to me at least that Zaid Ibrahim, the principled author of In Good Faith, will do almost anything to obtain publicity for himself and his KITA party. So I am not surprised that he would lend his name to this attempt to run down a former colleague who gave him the opportunity to re-enter politics after being removed as Law Minister under Badawi and be a member of Pakatan Rakyat‘s policy making body.

He is associating himself with a political has been, Rahim Thamby Cik and his two associates who call themselves “Datuk Trio”. Is he also engaging in “politik balas dendam”? Let us not waste time because we have more serious business to take care of.

Stop playing gutter politics. Zaid, I believe that you have the talent and the charisma to make a difference to the way politics is being played in Malaysia. But now I know you are of the same mould as Rahim Thamby Cik. –Din Merican

Zaid: I saw the sex video

Former law minister Zaid Ibrahim has admitted that he has seen the sex video which allegedly depicts PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim with a prostitute.

On his latest blog posting, Zaid said that from what he has seen, there are questions that needs to be answered and it is best done by an independent body. “Unlike many Malaysians who have not seen the tape, I am in a better position to form an opinion. And I put forth that the authenticity of the video must be determined.

“Due to the skepticism of our institutions, of our own forensic labs and experts, let us ask for an independent international panel of experts (involving)Scotland Yard, the FBI, even the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, together with the Malaysian police to certify whether the tape is genuine or fake,” he wrote.

Zaid said that once a probe is done on the video, the public can further the discussion based on the established facts rather than the speculation and hearsay now.

Zaid however did not comment on whether he believed the man he saw in the video was Anwar. He also did not mention how he got hold of the sex video. ‘Is Anwar really a perpetual victim?’ Meanwhile, Zaid also took pot shots at Pakatan Rakyat and the coalition’s supporters for practising double standards.

“Every time there are allegations of sexual impropriety or misconduct involving the opposition leader, and there are many, his allies in DAP and PAS will protect and stand by him.

“Due to their marriage of convenience, DAP and PAS do not demand any explanation at all from Anwar. By doing this, PKR’s partners in the Pakatan electoral pact are indicating that Anwar does not need to account to anyone for his behaviour.

“Instead, they will continue to accuse UMNO and BN, the police and his political opponents as being responsible for the mischief. The folks in Pakatan are even clamouring for four qualified Muslim witnesses to the act.The sidestepping and spin carried out by Anwar’s followers is telling of the political culture that he has engendered. Anwar continues to be the subject of political conspiracy and false charges. That Anwar can do no wrong. That he is the perpetual victim,” wrote Zaid.

Questions must be answered

As for Pakatan supporters, Zaid said that they were quick to condemn senior lawyer VK Lingam in the Lingam Tape scandal, but applies a different standard when it comes to Anwar.

Nonetheless, Zaid admits that there are certainly questions about the video which needs to be answered, such as Rahim Thamby Chik‘s involvement, the big belly of the male in the video and claims that Anwar’s ‘bad back’ made it impossible to have “vigorous sex” seen in the video.

“Yes, there are questions. And they should be answered. But the most important question is whether the video is authentic or if it has been doctored? Heaping presumptions upon assumptions, we find ourselves either not wanting to know or just uninterested in finding out the truth,” said Zaid in justifying the need for a thorough investigation. - Din Merican

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