Saturday, April 2, 2011

In his own homestate, Najib forgets People First, Performance Now

In his own homestate, Najib forgets People First, Performance Now

Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak’s refusal to acknowledge the group of concerned Pahang residents over the radioactive issue does not speak well of his “People First Performance Now” promise.

Is this what Najib’s “People First, Performance Now” means? Is this how Najib gets close and engages with the public?

His arrogance looks more like “Voters First, Performance Later”? Or “Voters First, People Last”? Perhaps this is what BN is going to be like after they win the election – to ride rough shod over the people?

Najib did not even send an aide to receive the Pahang resident’s memorandum. His officer told the group, “You could go around the country all you want, but for two months you still cannot get an appointment with him”.

Local residents who live close to the Gebeng Industrial Zone are worried about the potentially hazardous radioactive plant in their backyard.

Lynas Corporation would not have commenced construction if some senior politician had not given his approval to commence the construction of the plant. Moreover, Lynas would have needed various permits to build, so the local authorities must have given some sort of promise or undertaking.

It is also highly likely that the first set of “commission”, has been paid out and the next set, for the ‘operations stage’ will soon be due.

Najib’s BN administration probably realises that to backtrack on their decision for the plant to operate, will cripple the country.

Past experience with multi-billion dollar defence contracts have shown that the government always fails to read the small print and taxpayers end up paying for our politicians mistakes.

It is highly probably that Lynas have inserted a clause in their contract which says that if for any reason they are not able to operate, they will claim substantial compensation from this government.

In the past, BN have managed to quell dissent easily. Najib must have hoped the Kuantan residents would forget about the radioactive waste matter. However, the internet and a stronger opposition put paid to that.

The Pahang people are putting Najib’s favourite slogan “People First, Performance Now” to the test. - Malaysia Chronicle

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