Thursday, April 28, 2011

Police deny sex video conspiracy, tracing blogger behind 2nd snippet

Police deny sex video conspiracy, tracing blogger behind 2nd snippet

Amid accusations of conspiring with Prime Minister Najib Razak, Malaysian police have rushed to clarify that they are actively tracing the whereabouts and identity of the blogger who uploaded onto YouTube the second part of a sex video implicating Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.

But instead of praises, they were accused of 'sandiwara' or play-acting and helping Najib to discredit his political arch rival.

"The police have denied it is responsible for the surfacing of the second snippet of the Carcosa sex video. This was exactly what the police claimed when the first snippet of the sex video surfaced during the Sarawak state general election campaign. Will there be a third, fourth, fifth and even sixth snippets surfacing on YouTube and TV3 in the coming days?" demanded DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang.

"The infamous trio of Datuk T – former Malacca Chief Minister, Tan Sri Rahim Noor, Datuk Shazryl EskayAbdullah and Datuk Shuib Lazim have claimed many a time that they are in possession of the only original copy of the Carcosa sex video and that this sole original copy had been surrendered to the police. How then could two snippets of the Carcosa sex video surface on YouTube and the Umno blogs in a matter of three weeks?"


It is also telling that on Wednesday, the police had suddenly called in Shazryl for "further questioning" and also asked for a sample of his DNA. As expected, it paved the way for the mainstream media to play up the video and for TV3 to run stills of the snippet as Najib tried his best to do as much damage as possible.

Shazryl also told reporters that he had willingly given his sample and demanded that Anwar do the same. Shazryl, a businessman, further challenged Anwar to swear on the Quran if he was not guilty.

Meanwhile, newly-appointed and controversial Deputy Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar said that the uploading of the second snippet was being probed under the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commissions Act.

"Although we have not received any report over this second part of the video, we have already begun investigations into it," he told reporters during a press conference at Bukit Aman on Thursday.

When asked about Anwar being called in to give a statement, Khalid said that it was normal police procedure to do so.

"Sometimes the public prosecutors office looks into cases differently and ask the police to follow up on certain issues," said Khalid.

Backfire on Najib

The 21-minute sex video cropped up suddenly last month, on the same day the Sarawak assembly was dissolved to pave the way for state elections. Pundits believe that Najib and Umno are behind the tape and will try their best to use the scandal to turn public opinion against Anwar.

But the move may backfire. Closer shots of the man filmed having sex with a prostitute showed that both his physique and facial features were clearly different from Anwar.

"Has the second snippet succeeded in convincing Malaysians that it is Anwar in the Carcosa sex video? I agree with the following reaction to the second snippet of the Carcosa sex video posted on my blog: When that man bend down and wear his pants..freeze the picture.. and you can clearly see… is not Anwar. I am sure anyone can see it is not Anwar. Are Najib and IGP blind? Anyway…it is good this second part released…to completely prove Anwar is telling the truth all along. What kind of creatures are these worms…..keep using sex to bring down Anwar?" said Kit Siang.

On Wednesday, a 1.46-minute snippet of the video was uploaded on YouTube. It was taken off after about an hour for obscene content.

"As the possibility of the Carcosa video tape leaking from police possession and custody to surface in two snippets on YouTube cannot be ruled out, the Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Ismail Omar should direct that an official police report be lodged and a completely separate investigation team commissioned to investigate the matter. Police credibility, integrity, professionalism and reputation are at stake!" advised Kit Siang. - Malaysia Chronicle

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