Friday, May 27, 2011

Kazim: Champion of the Malay race or Inhabitant of World of Insanity

Kazim: Champion of the Malay race or Inhabitant of World of Insanity

Today as more and more religious servants come out of their coconut shells with their version of political views, we should keep our calm and not go overboard in disgust. Carefully analysing their warped views, we can see an interesting trend emerging.

Everyone seems to be saying the same thing as if it were memorized from a prepared piece of document. No point for us to get all so worked up as it actually provides us the dash of adrenaline-rush, so vital to our existence.

For those who missed the recent news, I am referring to this.

A new Ibrahim Ali has emerged in the form of a Perak cleric Ustaz Mohammad Kazim Elias Al Hafiz, who launched a vitriolic attack against the Chinese and Indians for being greedy and demanding more rights than they deserved at the expense of the Malays in the country. - Malaysia Chronicle

Kazim is after all just a religious teacher trying to make his mark to ensure his noble contribution to the General Election. Much of what he says shows the depth of his intellect or the lack of it.

Sad to say, his views are also shared by some others who truly believe in their own superior intellectual abilities and their ability to form an accurate opinion. Stemming from a bad bout of inferiority complex, these species seem to have an uncanny fear for evil doers out there trying to pinch their rights. Like Don Quixote, they go around fighting an invisible enemy and charging into windmills like kamikaze pilots.

That these people can be suckered by the fable told by someone very naughty that there are others who question their fairy-tale supremacy totally boggles the mind. It reminds me of the saying that: “an idle mind is the devil’s workshop.”

Does he make sense?

Reading through Kazim's ridiculous accusations, I cannot help but take the opportunity to debunk some of the myth that he holds dear, such as:

“Malays must not be stupid and let the other races climb all over their heads.”.

In other words, he thinks many of the Malays in this country are stupid enough to let others climb on their heads, which would then include UMNO. Mind you, he is not one of them though, or is he?

“Today, their races are questioning Malay supremacy, that’s rubbish; we are the ones who have given them the space to speak. The Malays have been very generous with them. We share the country with them. Give them land. Give them positions. They are not satisfied still?”

Since the town began to buzz with talk of a snap election, the Malays' generosity seems to have waned. Clearly not a history buff or having a serious lack of understanding of our Federal Constitution, Kazim clearly believes that only the Malays own this country. But as far as moderate Malays are concerned, Malaysia belongs to Malaysians. Anyone, who thinks otherwise, should seriously check their heads.

“Why is it like this? The answer is simple. Because there are Malays who support them. If they ruled us, they wouldn’t get what we’re giving them now. “You look at the Chinese people: what do they do at night? They loiter around the shops, ignorantly drink alcohol and ignorantly go to the discos.”

He seems to be blind to the Mat Rempits of both sexes who loiter around at night, with whisky bottles in their bike satchels. Or the untold number of couples not caught for Khalwat in dark remote places and high-class hotels. Discos and entertainment outlets seem to be satanic haunts to him, so he shuns them and thinks everyone should do so too. How did UMNO manage to allow all these satanic haunts to flourish without him screaming in protest in the first place, I don't know?

“There are also Malay soldiers who sleep in the forest and guard the seas. Now, who actually is the master and who the slave?”

Yes, the brave Malay soldiers who guard our shores from foreign invasion, and not forgetting the taxes that the Chinese and Indians pay to ensure everyone has work to do to eke out a living. But only someone who is envious will think about masters and slaves. Am I right?

“Look at the police: How many percentages of them are Chinese? Those who patrol at night, take the risk of being shot, killed, and not sleeping at night. Who are they? Are they not Malays? What do the towkay, the Chinese, do? Who are the people in the fire department, the people who wash the toilets and takes the trash?”

Yes, the Malays work very hard, and risk their lives in the process and often with the lack of sleep. It is an indisputable fact that the Chinese and Indians shy away from the civil service because it is swamped by Malays, and many have lamented the lack of promotion prospects. But Chinese towkays also work very hard too, often with a lack of sleep to ensure uninterrupted economic productivity for this country, the benefits of which spill over to the rest of the nation and its people.

Why do we always humiliate our own people by saying : “Only Malays are the people who wash the toilets and takes the trash?” Kazim does not wash the toilets or take out the trash, and neither do UMNO ministers. Someone has to do it and it can be Malay, Chinese or Indians too.

Kazim also criticises the Indians for flouting regulations and building temples wherever they liked.

“Look at the temples. The Chinese here are so few but temples everywhere. The Hindu temples are all over the roads. Even then they are not thankful, still need to dispute over it."“Look at the Hindus in Malaysia, which Hindus have been stopped from building a temple? Everywhere they build their temples. We have tolerated… them. Don’t let it reach a point where we fight. Don’t reach a point where they step on our head."

Kazim should seriously refrain from belittling other people’s religion or their right of worship. If non-Malays ever spoke up against the Malays for building our mosques and suraus, it will trigger a nasty backlash. We must learn to respect each other’s beliefs and not try to think of ourselves as right and others are wrong.

The world of insanity

As a religious man, Kazim seems suspiciously arrogant, aggressive and so uninformed that he is always willing to fight. We are so glad that there are so few of us Malays who share the same vision as him!

I would not advocate any sort of punishment for his ridiculous views. After all, Nazri has exhorted free speech and he has every right to his warped views. We actually need people like him to remind us of our sanity, and that there are a lot more out there who are intellectually challenged and need our sympathy if not outright pity.

I say, let him speak his mind. His audience will be the judge of his statements. I have confidence most of his audience are not so mentally challenged as him.

It may be that all this is happening because the General Election is lurking around the corner. Or it could be part of a trend that has escalated out of control. Whatever it is, these people are also a blessing in disguise and worth many votes for the Opposition.

Rest assured that moderate Malays like PAS and others are not very pleased with such rampant use of Religion to prove a point. For most us, such senseless statements belong only in the realm of insanity. - Malaysia Chronicle

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