Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Angry DAP reps stage a walkout

Sarawak Deputy Chief Minister Alfred Jabu refuses to give way to DAP representatives during his speech at the State Legislative Assembly.

KUCHING: All the DAP assemblymen in the State Legislative Assembly today walked out in protest as Deputy Chief Minister Alfred Jabu began attacking the opposition party during his speech.

Jabu had accused the DAP of having “no sympathetic heart” and “paying only lip service” to the Dayak community.

“Where are your hearts? You have no sympathetic heart for the Ibans and the Dayaks, but pay lip service in this House,” said Jabu, who is also deputy president of Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu (PBB), a partner of the Sarawak Barisan Nasional.

He said the Dayak now knew DAP’s “colours” and how they (DAP) had “suppressed” the business opportunites of NCR landowners back in 1996.

He also slandered Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.

“I can tell you that the Dayaks know DAP’s true colours. The Dayaks know that Lim whom the DAP portrays as a ‘bicycle riding’ chief minister does not have a sympathetic heart for the Dayaks.

“I want to ask Lim and DAP members in this house: how many longhouses has the DAP built in Penang for the Dayaks? None.

“How many tuai rumah (longhouse chiefs) are there practising Dayak custom in Penang? None.

“How well-versed is Lim and DAP reps in this house in our Dayak custom? None at all.

“This is the reason DAP cannot and will not be able to penetrate into Dayak areas,” said Jabu.

No sympathy

At this stage, Kota Sentosa assemblyman Chong Chieng Jen attempted to seek clarifications on several points but Jabu ignored him.

Jabu only took a question from PKR’s Batu Lintang assemblyman See Chee How.

Unhappy at being denied their right to seek clarification, the 12 assemblymen walked out on Jabu when he touched on issues dating back to 1972-1973 during the time of the Rascom (Rejang Area Security Command).

Jabu was then one of the principal staff officers of Rascom.

(The Ibans were resettled during the communist insurgency in the 1960s and 1970s in Sibu, Kanowit and Kapit in the central region which was placed under Rascom to protect the people from the communist terrorists.)

He singled out the Meradong DAP representative Ting Tze Fui who had accused Dayak leaders in the House of neglecting the welfare of the community which formed the biggest group among the hardcore poor.

He also spoke of his “achievements” in defending the Chinese, Malays, Ibans and other races in the Rascom areas from being terrorised by the communists.

“The Dayaks want to know why DAP did not object to Malayan Communist Party leader Chin Peng returning to Malaysia, knowing very well Chin Peng and his men had killed our Iban soldiers, trackers and rangers.

“DAP has no sympathy for the relatives of these Iban trackers and rangers who were killed by Chin Peng and his communist guerrillas,” he said.

Victimised by soldiers

Meanwhile, opposition leader and Bukit Assek assemblyman Wong Ho Leng said they walked out on Jabu because he refused to take any questions from them.

“He should give way when we asked for clarification. He just went on and on from one topic to another.

“He only gave way to See but purposely did not allow Chong to seek clarification. We walked out but are not boycotting the rest of the sitting,” he said.

Wong said as a minister, Jabu must be mature and fair to all members of the state assembly.

“Mature and fair he was not. He was irresponsible, immature and uncouth” added Wong.

Wong, who is also Sibu MP, said that DAP was familiar with Rascom and what Jabu had done.

“But he (Jabu) did not know what the people had gone through during the Rascom period.

“Without the mike on, I told Jabu that I myself was a victim of Rascom Operation. They (soldiers) victimised my family. I was 11 years old then,” he said, refusing to elaborate.

Wong said several times in the past Jabu had accused the DAP of not appreciating what the security forces had done in defending the country.

“But let me say that the security forces did a wonderful job to secure peace in Sarawak.

“I must also put on record that I also knew the events during the Rascom period and the sacrifices of the soldiers.

“I also want to put on record that my family members were also victims during those days. I am not prepared to elaborate.”

“It is a very sad thing,” he said.

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