Wednesday, June 1, 2011


For the millions APCO is paid, they are not delivering! The Ministers are still talking cock! To my knowledge, when a PR organization takes on a retainership, the first exercise is to put the people that matters through a Media Relations training that will teach them how to effectively market their stories to the news media and teach them how to build positive, productive relationships with the rakyat through news media. Invariably this did not happen or else we would not have all the trash coming out of the mouths of our lawmakers and some self-appointed do-gooders:

Deputy Prime Minister announced that there are going to be "increase in prices on various products due to increase in oil prices and reduction in food supply caused by changes in the global climate."

Dang, sweet mama of Moses! ……changes in global climate is stigmatized by our DPM as the mother of all our ills…. a veritable punch-bag that cannot punch back.

Adnan Yakob, Menteri Besar of Pahang defending Lynas corporation: “Cell phone more dangerous than Lynas waste.”

Methinks we should ban the use of cell-phones, no? He seems to be an expert, yes? Down with telcos. Hidup Telekom!

“Even if our bodies are crushed and our lives lost, brothers and sisters, whatever happens, we must defend Putrajaya”.

After asking the youth “Will you defend Putrajaya with me?”, and getting a positive answer, he then shouted, “Defend Putrajaya! Defend Putrajaya! Defend Putrajaya!”

You guessed right. The PM said that! Is Indonesia contemplating Confrantasi II? The last whiff of confrontation was when they accused us of stealing their songs, their batiks and mistreating their women, our maids.

And as KIM QUEK said in his Malaysiakini column: It is totally out of order for Najib to talk about defending Putrajaya, least of all its defence with blood and crushed bodies.

That to me is paranoia!

Go HERE to read what I wrote about this a year ago: 18 May 2010

When quizzed on the SUBMARINE deal, Minister Ahmad Zahid said: “I'm ever willing to go to court if I'm ever requested, provided that it is approved by the cabinet but if the cabinet doesn't allow, I don't have to go.”

Mister DEFENSIVE Minister, the French court wants Najib, not you! But if Najib wants to sacrifice you, his cabinet will allow you to go to court!

During a press conference earlier, deputy prime minister Muhyiddin Yassin said there were no plans to declassifythe PPAs. (Power Purchase Agreement made between the IPPs and Tenaga.)
"For now, there's no such proposal yet so we have not made a decision," he said,
adding that the government had nothing to hide.

DUNG DANG….waiting for APCO approval? Performance Now, People First your boss did say, yah? You don’t pay your power bills, the People have to!

And this, people, takes the (cake)koay kodor;

The death of 16 orphans in a landslide in Hulu Langat, outside Kuala Lumpur, yesterday was not in vain (bukan sia-sia), said the Mufti of Selangor. According to Islam, said the Mufti, these orphans died a martyr’s death (syahid). And the same goes for anyone who dies in a traffic accident, or whatever tragedy, added the Mufti.

PTUIIII! This koay is rancid!

I don’t intend to be an apologist for APCO but I just realized why APCO did not embark on this media training for the government’s spokesmen. Media relations can’t control the media or the media’s message. You do not own the television stations! You don’t have editorial control of what the UMNO-owned press prints.

But you could do one thing though. Tell them dumbo employers of yours a comment received over this matter:

if your gang have no intention to tell the truth; just shut up!

Don’t be angry APCO……I haven’t had my lunch yet…..

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