Friday, July 1, 2011

300 protest against Penang CM for supporting Bersih

NONESome 300 supporters from Umno, Perkasa and an NGO named Suara Anak-anak Malaysia held a demonstration in downtown Penang this afternoon to protest against Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng and Bersih 2.0.

Six protesters were arrested by the police, who deployed some 100 officers and men to thwart the gathering.

The protesters marched about a kilometre from the historic Kapitan Keling Mosque to Komtar after Friday prayers.

They demanded Lim's resignation as chief minister on grounds that he had openly thrown his support behind the Bersih 2.0 rally on July 9, which the police have deemed an illegal assembly.

Protest turns into duck parade

Marching all the way from the mosque along Jalan Chulia and Carnavon Street heading to Komtar, the protestors hit the windshields of cars and violently shoved aside two photographers - one from a Chinese press and another from a TV station.

After the arrests and after police sounded the siren for the protestors to disperse, they gathered along Jalan Penang, where several Umno leaders, including Ezam Mohd Nor, gave speeches condemning Lim and the state government.

At about 3.30pm, another group marched from Jalan Penang into the Komtar area, carrying two ducks, and shouting the name of Penang state exco and Batu Maung assemblyman Abdul Malik Abul Kassim. They were poking fun and imitating Malik's voice.

The police, meanwhile, stood watch and allowed them to carry on with their antics. - Malaysiakini

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