Friday, July 1, 2011

Bersih: Najib advises lawyers not to break law but triggers ridicule

Bersih: Najib advises lawyers not to break law but triggers ridicule

Amid accusations that he was the last role model for the legal profession, Prime Minister Najib Razak urged lawyers not to take part in the July 9 Bersih 2.0 rally, but could not make a convincing case as his administration has gone overboard bending the law in a bid to stop the march for free and fair elections.

Bersih's own organising chairman comes from the legal fraternity, the former Bar Council president Ambiga Sreenevasan, who is well-known and respected in the profession.

Among grouses that lawyers themselves have raised over the past weeks was the Najib administration's arrests of anyone caught wearing the Bersih t-shirt. Bersih itself has not even applied for the police permit. In other words, how it be deemed illegal then and this again raises the next question of, under which law has it been declared illegal?

"We have to give him face for attending the conference but if you were to ask around, did what he say sink in or did he manage to explain why he has done what he did, then you will have a good idea what will happen on July 9," a lawyer who was at the Islamic law conference told Malaysia Chronicle.

The biggest lawbreaker

Nonetheless, Najib appeared impervious to the general mood. He urged the lawyers to use legal avenues to air their grouses rather than take to the streets.

“Lawyers who are professional do not need to get involved in street demonstrations because we are a sovereign nation with laws and a constitution,” Najib told the convention.

He also promised a Syariah Bar Council would be formed.

Law is also about justice

At a separate press conference held today, Deputy Inspector General of Police Khalid Bakar had said 115 people have been arrested so far in connection to the Bersih rally. The authorities have cited sedition, planning an illegal gathering and even waging war against the King as reasons for these arrests.

Khalid also warned that the draconian Internal Security Act, condemned by both civil and Syariah lawyers, might be used to arrest marchers on July 9.

However, supporters of the Bersih rally, meant to drum up support for free and fair elections, have accused Najib of trying to cling to political power lest the rally spark a wave of social consciousness amongs the Malays, many of whom are still loyal to the feudalistic UMNO.

They point out that the Federal Consititution allowed for peaceful assembly by citizens and slammed Najib for hypocrisy and doublespeak by refusing to issue police permits and thereby indirectly making the rallies illegal.

"Law is also about justice not conformity and toeing the line. It's a shame for Najib to even be here in a lawyers' convention, what more try and lecture us on how to stay legal," the lawyer told Malaysia Chronicle.

- Malaysia Chronicle

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