Thursday, July 28, 2011

Did Prophet Mohamed Teach Muslims To Hate Jews?

By Admin

The Holy Quran refers to Jews and Christians as People of the Book. So why is i that Muslims the world over have such hatred towards Jews and the State of Israel? What's baffling is the fact that Muslims such as Malaysians who have not met with a Jew or an Israeli in their lifetime would harbor such resentment and hatred towards Jews and Israelis.

The Scribe can't find anywhere in history where Jews or Israelis had harmed Malaysians. It was the Japanese during World War II that caused much hardship to Malaysians. Later, the Indonesians under Soekarno wanted to 'Ganyang' (Crush) Malaysia. So why do Muslims, especially Malays get so worked up when it comes to Jews or Israelis? It is rather sickening to note that whenever the Israelis attack Palestinians (even in retaliation or self defense), Muslims the world over including those here in Malaysia would go berserk.

However, when blood thirsty Muslim Terrorists (read NOT Fighters) such as Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah et al blow up innocent Israeli women and children in a bus, there would be a deafening silence from Muslims even here in Malaysia including from the so-called Just World Trust of Chandra Muzaffar.

When Chelsea played against Malaysia in a friendly football match, their Israeli star Yossi Benayoun had to put up with racial and religious abuse from Malay Muslim football fans. The question here is that why are we having problems with people who have not done a thing to harm us? Why is the BN/Umno Regime propagating this hate campaign against Jews and Israelis? Was this 'HATE' preached by the Prophet Mohamed pbuh to Muslims?

Also read this


  1. "O Mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into separate nations and tribes, that you may know one another."
    ~ Qur'an 49:13

    "If God had willed he would have made you one nation. But He did not do so, that he may try you in what has come to you. So, compete with one another in good works; Unto God shall you return; altogether; and he will tell you the Truth about what you have been disputing."
    ~ Qur'an 5:48

  2. i hate zionist not jews. Israel zionist adalah orang jahat yang takut dengan bayang-bayang kejahatan sendiri. orang yang buat jahat dengan orang lain memang camtu..takut memanjang. dengan orang. palestine tu jet perang pun tak de, roket canggih pun tak de. kenapa ye..zionist tu takut???? macam tak fair perangnya..bila tengok tv yang banyak bangunan musnah kenapa dekat palestine side, israel sarankan 'mr. admin' ikut la misi keamanan ke gaza tu before cakap macam kat atas tu.....barulah boleh jadi 'pemimpin orang islam'... saya marah kat zionist sebab al-aqsa dan al-quds serta kezaliman mereka kepada orang palestine. fahamkan juga sebab apa al aqsa tu penting untuk orang islam dan apa israel dah buat kat al aqsa. MAAFLAH SAYA TAK PANDAI CAKAP ORANG PUTIH.

    1. setuju MELAYU ISLAM...
      Nyatakan pendapat anda..bahasa bukan penghalang.


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