Saturday, July 2, 2011

Ezam, seven others held for illegal assembly

Ezam surrendered himself to the state police. — file pic
KUALA LUMPUR, July 1 — Senator Ezam Mohd Nor was among eight people arrested by Penang police for an unlawful gathering outside the Penang chief minister’s office today.

According to state police chief Datuk Ayub Yaakob, Ezam surrendered himself at the state police headquarters while the remainder were arrested earlier during the demonstration outside the Komtar building.

All eight are being investigated under Section 27 of Police Act for assembling without a police permit, after failing to disperse when warned by the police that their gathering was illegal.

The group had gathered today to protest the upcoming Bersih rally pushing for electoral reforms, and against the administration of Lim Guan Eng.

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