Friday, July 1, 2011

Gov't anti-Bersih drive hits mosques, campuses

The official campaign against Bersih 2.0 entered the mosques today, with the July 9 rally becoming the topic of Malaysian Islamic Development Department (Jakim)-issued sermons today.

NONEIn sermons read out in mosques in Kuala Lumpur before Friday prayers today, the congregations were reminded that the Bersih 2.0 rally is haram(forbidden) as it promoted the wants of individuals at the peril of society.

"Of late, we are worried about a group of extremists who call themselves the Coalition for Free and Fair Elections (Bersih 2.0, which)... is a struggle for the sake of individuals or beliefs, without considering public interests and sensitivities.

"In reaching for their goals, these groups... will converge to cause violence, destruct public amenities and break laws and are willing to go as far as injuring safety personnel," the sermon published on the Jakim website reads.

It added that the "extremists" were also using the guise of human rights and political struggle to "copy the violence happening in foreign nations to pressure and undermine rulers" to fulfil their demands.

Jakim warns of bloodshed

Quoting verse 195 of al-Baqarah (the Cow) chapter of the Quran ,which forbids believers from putting themselves in the path of destruction, the sermon continues to warn that the July 9 rallies would end up in bloodbath.

azlan"(We) want to stress that any form of huge protest gatherings usually causes all sorts of terrible incidents. It will cause conflict between two parties... resulting in bloodshed.

"Muslims who love their religion, race and the nation are urged not to participate in this rally, which can destruct the religion and peace of this country... don't ever be involved in this demonstration called Bersih," the sermon reads.

It continued by reminding Muslims to not believe the "pleas of those who do not know their roots and understand the culture, religion and background of the people of this country".

It also quoted the Prophet Muhammad who, according to al-Bazzar, said that any group that marches towards a ruler with the intention of maligning the ruler will be vilified by Allah even before judgment day.

Varsity students may face expulsion

The sermon comes a day after National Fatwa Committee chairperson Abdul Shukor Husin advised Muslims not to join the July 9 rallies.

"In Islam, we are encouraged not to cause destruction, to unite instead of splitting up because this can be a grave sin," he was quoted as saying by Bernama on Thursday.

Official statements have also been made by vice-chancellors of public universities discouraging their students from taking part in the rallies.

bersih rally dataran merdeka car convoy 081107 policeIn a note posted on the Universiti Malaya Student Affairs Department Facebook page on June 24, deputy vice-chancellor (student affairs) Rohana Yusof said the university would act against students who take part in the Bersih 2.0 rally.

"Taking part in an illegal assembly is an offence under the University and University Colleges Act 1971 and can lead to suspension or expulsion.

"As such, students are reminded not to be involved in the rally, be it directly or indirectly. If any students are found to be involved, disciplinary action will be taken by the university," she said.

Contacted today, Rohana said that while students may be angry with this notice, it was issued because the university was "concerned over the students' safety".

azlanShe added that it involved all the three rallies planned for July 9, although only Bersih 2.0 was explicitly mentioned in the Facebook note.

"It is to protect (the students), we wouldn't do it if we didn't care about them," she said.

Teachers also told to stay away

Yesterday, Malaysian Higher Education Public Institutions Vice-Chancellors and Rectors Committee chairperson Dzulkifli Abdul Razak, who is also Universiti Sains Malalysia vice-chancellor, also told students to stay away.

Education director-general Datuk Abd Ghafar Mahmud cautioned school teachers that action could be taken against them if they participate as it is inappropriate for government employees.

Bersih 2.0 is planning to march to the Istana Negara in Kuala Lumpur to hand over an eight-point memorandum on electoral reforms to the King.

Umno Youth and Perkasa are also planning a counter rally on the same day, although all three organisers have not been granted police permits. - Malaysiakini

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