Thursday, July 28, 2011

Ibrahim Ali on UiTM award: I'm a victim of jealousy

Stressing his “clean” record of activism over the past 30 years, Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali says all objections against the proposed award to be given by UiTM under his name arose completely out of jealousy over his achievements.

“Because I'm too active, organising things sometimes in a big way, there are people who are jealous of me. Just for nothing, they are jealous of me,” the politician said last week in an exclusive interview with Internet protocol television (IPTV) station eTV.

Vehemently defending his proposal to introduce the 'Ibrahim Ali Leadership Award', he described his critics as “shameful” and having “no class”.

NONE“What the hell are these people talking about? The award is from me. I donate my own money just to give to any student who is credible, so what?

“If they are not happy, they create their own award lah. Because this is all jealousy. You see, all these came from PAS and the opposition and (they are) shameful, have no class,” said an annoyed Ibrahim.

The Independent MP for Pasir Mas said he has been actively involved in activism and politics since 1970 when he was still a UiTM student, and this impressive track record has made him the enemy of others.

“When I was in Umno, when I cooperated with PAS, anywhere I go, not only those from opposition parties, even Umno friends are also jealous of me.

“I don't want to be popular, but it became that way so I become a victim of jealousy,” Ibrahim said, adding that he has never been drawn into any corruption, sex or moral scandal.

NONEThe introduction of the award by UiTM to commend students who have proven they have “clear and consistent” principles in upholding their race has received brickbatsfrom several quarters, including within the BN and from opposition figures.

Although an official notice signed by UiTM vice-chancellor Sahol Hamid Abu Bakar (left) had been sent out early last month requesting nominations for the award, Sahol explained that it was merely a “survey” to gauge the response of lecturers, as the university authorities have yet to approve the award.

The university senate is to make its decision on the award at a meeting tomorrow.

Don't censor 'basket' remark

When the eTV journalist pointed out that MCA Youth was among those opposing the award, Ibrahim lashed out at the wing.

“What is his (MCA) right to oppose? Who is he? What has this got anything to do with MCA? UiTM is for Malay and bumiputra students.

“So what? I don't care. Who cares? Where is the so-called human rights? Where is the democracy they are talking about? Democracy only for them? Human rights only for them? Basket!”

NONEHe even requested the journalist not to censor the “basket” remark.

“Put it on air, I don't care, I don't even lose one sen,” he said.

Without mincing his words, Ibrahim called MCA a “stupid and bloody fool party” and warned the Chinese-based party not to provoke Perkasa members.

He said history had shown that MCA relied on Malay voters to win seats during elections and Perkasa currently has 3,000 to 5,000 members in every parliamentary constituency.

“If these members don't vote for MCA, what will happen?... I think it is a bloody fool party, stupid and bloody fool,” he said.

Ibrahim also stressed that he has made significant contributions to his alma mater, including fighting for its recognition as an university, and establishing the Yayasan Budiman out of his own pocket.

“So is it wrong? They all want to disturb, even the internal affairs of others, shameful lah, really, they are basket!” - Malaysiakini

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