Friday, July 29, 2011

Mat Zain: Police must probe MACC trio for abetting suicide

Former Kuala Lumpur CID chief Mat Zain Ibrahim said today that it is "compulsory" that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency officers who cruelly interrogated DAP political aide Teoh Beng Hock be probed for abetting in Teoh's suicide.

In an open letter to Inspector-General of Police Ismail Omar, Mat Zain said the findings of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the death show that a punishable offence had been committed under Section 306 of the Penal Code.

NONEThe MACC officers referred to are the current MACC Negri Sembilan director Hishammudin Hashim (left) and investigation officers Mohamed Anuar Ismail and Asraf Mohd Yunus.

"This suggestion is based on the commission's findings that Teoh wasdriven to suicide as per paragraph 119 of the RCI report.

"I take the term 'driven' to mean 'influencing' or 'encouraging' someone to do something or to avoid it. This can be termed as 'abetment', as per Section 107 of the Penal Code, as explained in chapter five of the same Act," he said.

Mat Zain said under the section, the offence was punishable and police would not need an order from the public prosecutor to initiate an investigation.

"Police are compelled to take the (RCI) findings as information on a serious crime which requires further probe... following which a suitable charge will be preferred," he said of the finding, which the commissioners arrived at unanimously.

Section 306 of the Penal Code states that if any person commits suicide, whoever abets the commission of the suicide shall be punished with imprisonment for a term of up to 10 years, and shall also be liable to fine.

'The people will feel cheated'

The former top cop added that inaction by police would only confirm public belief that the RCI was merely a "government show".

"The people will feel cheated, especially after being told that millions in taxpayers' money has used for this RCI," he said.

This is Mat Zain's second open letter to the federal police chief on the matter, with the first sent on July 26, urging police to charge the MACC trio with perjury.

He said that this charge "cannot be avoided" for Hishamuddin, Mohamed Anuar, Asraf and two other officers, Bulkini Paharuddin and Raymond Nion, all of whom the RCI found gave false testimonies.

Teoh was found dead on the fifth floor landing of Plaza Masalam, Shah Alam after he was interrogated overnight by the Selangor office of the MACC on 14th of the same building.

The RCI was initiated after a coroner's inquest into his death returned an open verdict. - Malaysiakini

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