Thursday, July 28, 2011

MIC chief calls for PSM 6 to be released

The continued detention of the six Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) leaders is attracting unnecessary "worldwide attention", MIC president G Palanivel said today, and expressed concern that the detention might also impact BN in the coming general election.

"If you (watch) (news) on the television daily, there are massive demonstrations (in other countries and the) police will use tear gas, water cannons and all others (to disperse the crowd).

NONE"But then, they will line them up, load them in trucks and take them to the police station (where the protesters will be) kept for three or four hours and then released," Palanivel (right) said.

However, in the case of Sungai Siput MP Dr D Jeyakumar and the five others, who are being held behind bars for being the key "movers" of the Bersih 2.0 rally on July 9, Palanivel said this was only creating a more damaging image for the country.

"The elected representatives will stay there (in detention) and (during) a general election, they don't have to leave (the cells to campaign) - they can (continue) to stay in prison and win, for the people will vote blindly," he added.

The PSM 6 have been held by police since June 30, even before Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein declared Bersih 2.0 an illegal organisation.

'PM should focus on the 13th general election'

Sounding quite worried over public sentiments against the detention, Palanivel advised Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, at this juncture, to focus on gaining support for the 13th general election.

Palanivel said he was aware that the move continued to receive local and international condemnation and that he had spoken to Najib several days ago and urged their immediate release.

azlanThis is the first time an MP has been detained under the EO, which provides for detention without trial for 60 days. This detention can be extended to two years, just like the stringent Internal Security Act (ISA) that is now being amended.

Thirty people, including Jeyakumar, PSM deputy chairperson M Sarasvathy, central committee members Choo Chon Kai and M Sukumaran, Youth chief R Saratbabu and Sungai Siput branch secretary A Letchumanan were arrested in Kepala Batas on June 26.

They were picked up on suspicion of attempting to wage war against the Yang di-Pertuan Agong and after their remand order expired on July 2, the PSM 6 were re-arrested under the EO and accused of attempting to “revive communism”.

“So, don't prolong it, keep them for a few days and let them go... if there is no valid charge. Especially elected representatives. I don't think they (have done) anything serious,” Palanivel said.

The deputy MIC president, Dr S Subramaniam, has also voiced concern over the prolonged detention of the PSM 6 and urged the inspector-general of police and the Home Ministry to “review” the EO order and to charge them in court “as quickly as possible” if they had indeed committed chargeable offences.

“I have already informed the prime minister to release them a few days ago, except I never came out in the press because I keep a low profile... I'm not crazy for publicity... if I keeping talking in the media everyday, I won't be doing my work,” Subramaniam said. - Malaysiakini

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