Monday, August 1, 2011

Najib squanders his 1Malaysia moment

vox populi small thumbnail'His indecision shows his lack of credibility as PM for all Malaysians, and suggests that racism is still strongly embedded in the psyche of BN.'

PM dodges 'Malay first' poser for fear of rift

Anonymous: Why is it that every time someone from the government (especially the top brass) says something, it sounds so incredibly stupid?

For PM Najib Razak to state that he takes no position between 1Malaysia or Muhyiddin Yassin's 'ideals' in fear of creating divisions between him and his DPM shows how little integrity and belief he puts into the 1Malaysia concept.

If Najib cannot steer the direction of the country because he can't get the DPM to fall in line, then he should step down. Even if Muhyiddin puts his race ahead of his own nation in order to placate a small-minded constituency (it's called "electoral cowardice"), Najib's evasiveness shows a true deficit in his leadership skills.

It shows Najib is not willing to put his own 1Malaysia first. How, then, can BN call themselves the rakyat's party in the next GE? There remains no credibility to Najib's 1Malaysia being a 'guiding philosophy' - he can't guide himself out of a simple stand on principle.

Mirror on the Wall: A real leader would have strong and defined principles. Quite obviously PM Najib Razak has neither, taking the easy, non-committal route. Right or wrong, having a stand is better than none.

JBguy: The PM has lost an opportunity to confirm his 1Malaysia clarion call to all to think themselves as Malaysian first. His indecision, or avoidance to do so, shows his lack of credibility as PM for all Malaysians.

His action, or rather inaction, seems to suggest that racism is still strongly embedded in the psyche of the BN. The day when we can call ourselves Malaysian first is still far away. Perhaps it would need a change in government to achieve that.

Malaysian for Malaysia: Najib should have shown leadership by saying this.

"I am a Malaysian first. My race does not matter. My DPM said what he said in his personal capacity. As far as I am concerned, my entire cabinet is Malaysian first. However, as Umno president, I am also responsible to ensure the rights of the Malays are not trampled upon. Thus, I am both. Malaysian and Malay. Neither first, nor second."

That would embarrass Muhiyiddin and put him in his place. Najib, you have some really stupid advisors. Stop having people that tell you everything is well and good. Listen to those who come to you with doomsday prophecies and what not.

Why? It is nothing like being prepared for the worst and doing what is best.
Anonymous: I was present at the 5th Annual Malaysian Student Leaders Summit and Najib wasn't at his very best in answering that question. He didn't lie, but he didn't answer the question either.

He was speaking before 1,000-odd Malaysian student leaders from Malaysia, United Kingdom, Australia, US, Europe and the rest of the world.

They're the future. Najib may lie to the uneducated, but the students in the ballroom are all highly educated.

Galpasqueen: Everyone knows there is currently a battle going on internally in Umno. Anything can happen before the GE13. So how is Najib going to vouch for his No 2?

Oh My God: Why is our PM so concern of having different views with his deputy. We are not in a dictatorial country or a communist country whereby those having different views will be shot dead.

In any democratic country, conflicting views are healthy. It gave the opportunity for those in disagreement to compromise to develop better solutions or ideas. After all, a deputy is not a real deputy if he does not have a dream to take over the premiership either sooner or later.

And it is a well-known fact that Muhyiddin can't wait. So PM Najib should have said, "My deputy has slightly different views but we are working well as partners to lead the country."

TehTarik: As the famous saying goes "when the best lack intent and commitment one should fear for the future of the rest". The tenure of Najib is marked by his indecisiveness to take a stand on controversial issues. This is the hallmark of an opportunist rather than a leader.

Anonymous_4196: I was born and bred in Malaysia, therefore I am a Malaysian. I will give my life to defend my beloved country from any external threat together with my fellow Malaysians.

Does it mean I am less of a patriot if I am not a Malay? Or am I less of a patriot if I refuse to keep quiet when I see corruption and unrighteousness rules, and my country is being run to the ground?

Time to grow up Umno, Malaysians has.

Tkc: If your political principles are based on the features of a multi-headed hydra and "I help you, you help me" philosophy, it is just a matter of time that you are found out.

Najib has overstayed his welcome after he became our unelected prime minister. His best (worst) achievement to date is to further divide our country along racial and religious lines because he has no guts to make a stand.

Simpang 4: Anybody who says he is not a Malaysian first and foremost is deemed not fit to lead. Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin better decide on that, or else we'd doubt his honesty and loyalty.

Oscar Kilo: If Najib is 'Malaysian first, Malay second' while Muhyiddin is 'Malay first, Malaysian second', then we should just get rid of Muhyiddin.

But if Najib remains non-committal and evasive while Muhyiddin has clearly stated his position, then we can only conclude that Najib is on the same page as Muhyiddin, which is 'Malay first, Malaysian second', in which case we should just get rid of Umno and BN entirely.

Anonymous: Najib did not evade a political minefield by dodging the question. Instead, he stepped right into a mine.

Bersih: I meant Shah Alam stadium, says Najib

Lin Wenquan: Always the purveyor of half-truths and doublespeak, the PM is now desperately grasping at any opportunity to cover up his deceptions, this time to some student leaders.

Local students may by over-awed by his stature and may unwittingly be conned. As for the more discerning overseas students, he may not have such luck.

On the need for a constitution amendment to permit non-military Malaysians overseas to exercise postal voting, the opposition will be more than happy and willing to accommodate you.

Do we understand that if you had the two-thirds majority, you would have had complied to amend the constitution accordingly? The opposition should now call his buff and prod him to do so. We will then see whether he honours his word or reneges and squirms his way out as he is wont to do.

Onyourtoes: Before the Bersih rally on July 9, there was no specific offer for the use of Shah Alam stadium. The police was still insisting for permit and there was no mention of Shah Alam stadium.

So where was specific offer from you to use the Shah Alam stadium? I certainly did not hear it.

I think the government was just playing poker. The government did not expect the turnout to be that big. Now that the event has happened, the strategy was to buy goodwill and to control the damage already done.

Mokhtar Abu Seman: If we remember quite clearly, you said name me any stadium and we will allow you to use it but not street rally. So who are you kidding?

Alas, a life was lost and scores of Malaysians injured unnecessarily. A sad day indeed for Malaysia which could have been avoided if people had kept to their word.

Jeremy Ng: Najib, you should stick to your decision. There is no point trying to twist and turn. Just maintain your stand that any protest against the BN government is not allow, period.

All the pre-planned actions of intimidations and harassments by the police clearly showed that you want to stop the rally at all cost. This include creating undue inconveniences to the public and ignoring the economic losses to businesses. - Malaysiakini

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