Friday, July 29, 2011

RM24mil ring: Denial or cover up? Rosmah says "nothing I want to say"

RM24mil ring: Denial or cover up? Rosmah says "nothing I want to say"

At last, Rosmah Mansor, the controversial wife of Prime Minister Najib Razak has deigned to break her silence on a RM24.4 million diamond ring she purportedly bought from an exclusive New York jewellery chain, Jacob & Co.

But while the UMNO press rushed to report her comments as a denial, Pakatan Rakyat leaders point out that she never actually said she did NOT import the ring or did NOT buy the ring, nor was she NOT connected in anyway with the ring.

In fact, her words were "there is nothing I want to say because I have no time to address such things. Let (the blogger) say what he wants."


She then moved straight on to grab some public sympathy with this comment.

“This is slander but what have I not experienced? I have experienced it all. So, rather than address this, it is better I pay attention to publicissues as these are more important,” Malaysian Insider reported her as saying on Thursday during a vist to Kedah.

Furthermore, according to Pakatan Rakyat leaders, at no time did she mention or encourage the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission to cooperate with the Customs Department for the purpose of conducting an independent and thorough investigation to clear her name.

"This is typical Rosmah. She may have been trying to appeal to the rural audience. But it doesn't cut any ice at all. If she was a responsible citizen, she would have given an outright denial and explanation," PKR vice president Tian Chua told Malaysia Chronicle.

"Secondly, she should also insist that the MACC and Customs immediately investigate the allegation. She should also demand that the findings are made public. We want to ask Rosmah, why didn't she do these things. Is she encouraging a cover up?"


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