Friday, July 29, 2011

Rosmah: Diamond ring allegation a slander

Rosmah Mansor, wife of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, denied the allegation that she had purchased a RM24.4 million diamond ring, calling it another slander against her.

"There is nothing I want to say (in relation to the purchase of ring) because I have no time to entertain such issue.

"Let him (blogger) says what he wants," she was quoted as saying by Malay daily Berita Harian in a news report today.

rosmah mansor"This is nothing funny, this is slander... what have I not experienced? I have experienced all (slander).

"Rather than entertaining such an issue, it is better for me to focus on people's issues because they are more important," she said after attending a function at Pokok Sena, Kedah, yesterday.

Rosmah (right) also said that as the wife of prime minister with qualification, it is more appropriate for her to contribute to the people, including her efforts to strengthen pre-school education in the country, especially in the rural hinterland.

Children foremost in her mind

"I'm more comfortable with what I'm doing now to help the people particularly in the issue of strengthening pre-school education for children, especially at rural area because for me, knowledge is the most valuable property for their future," she added.

The opposition alleged that Rosmah had bought a import-duty-free million ringgit diamond ring.

Badrul Hisham Shaharin, a PKR leader heading the NGO Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM), had lodged a report with Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) on the issue.

NONEHe claimed that a purported Customs Department information system printout, which he would hand over to the anti-graft body, implicates Rosmah as receiver of the diamond ring.

According to Badrul, the "Natural Fancy Gray Cushion Cut Diamond" priced at RM24,458,400, was flown in via the KL International Airport.

He alleged that the item was purchased through Jacob & Co, a New York-based fine jewellery company, and brought to Malaysia by one Jeremy Beh Sin Tee. - Malaysiakini


  1. okey tell the public, late uncle ... prominent people in those days ..najib father times..hardly giving me a note..they are poorer tan choe kit road's those peoples in govt office as heard.. seen being justified by court of laws.. direct indirectly ..earned more than their anuall income....tell the whole truth about urr diamond ring adventures most will cease their questionaires mind before eternity... be honest as YB speaks ..may god bless him...

  2. You got your facts wrong. Is usd 24 million not ringgit my friend :). Do your resrarch please

  3. You are not telling the truth when you dont do your research before publishing this rubbish


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