Monday, August 1, 2011

Anwar, man of the hour again: Nik Aziz, Pakatan say Ku Li rumour a "joke"

Anwar, man of the hour again: Nik Aziz, Pakatan say Ku Li rumour a "joke"

Pakatan Rakyat leaders including PAS Spiritual Adviser Nik Aziz Nik Mat have dismissed as a "joke" the speculation by a former PKR leader and spread over the UMNO media that there were plans to replace Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim with UMNO stalwart Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah.

Nik Aziz also denied that PAS harbored such intentions, or that he had met Ku Li in secret meetings.

The rumors gained strength after Bayan Baru MP Zahrain Hashim, who left PKR on sour terms, suggested Ku Li as someone who could take over the post after the Kelantan prince formed Amanah last week. Amanah is the latest NGO in town but widely perceived to harbor high political ambitions.

However, it must be pointed that Ku Li is still an UMNO member and has not given any indication that he will quit the ruling party. Chances are higher that Amanah will be used as a vehicle to present Ku Li as a uniting force in the UMNO presidential race. Many in UMNO fear that deputy president Muhyiddin Yassin's racial rhetoric may hinder his ability to be a prime minister who can rule the country with peace and progress. Ku Li, who has little 'baggage' presents that in-between alternative from the scandal-scarred Najib to Muhyiddin.

But apart from deflecting attention from UMNO's own internal tussle, which is starting to heat up, the latest Ku Li rumors are also meant to stir up discontent amongst the Pakatan parties of PAS, PKR and DAP.

“It’s a joke. That’s my only description to the rumour which attempts to link me to the so-called secret discussion to appoint Tengku Razaleigh as Pakatan Rakyat leader to replace Anwar Ibrahim. My advice in this month of Ramadan, please write something truthful and factual. Remember, whatever we write and say will be accounted for by Allah in the Hereafter,” Nik Aziz, the Kelantan Menteri Besar wrote on his Facebook page.

Jui Meng: 'Guilty' would ensure a historic Pakatan take-over

Earlier, a news report quoted the deputy president of pro-UMNO Malaysian Malay Network, Omar Salleh, as urging Nik Aziz to come clean on an alleged meeting he had with Ku Li.

“Why is it a secret from Anwar and Parti Keadilan Rakyat? Does this indicate that several quarters of the opposition are certain that Anwar will be found guilty and face a jail sentence? Maybe Anwar’s lawyer Karpal Singh told DAP and PAS about Anwar’s situation in the sodomy case involving Saiful Bukhari and this led to an effort to find another candidate to fill the opposition leader post,” Omar had remarked.

Nik Aziz and DAP chairman Karpal Singh scoffed at the sodomy case insinuations. If a guilty verdict was returned against Anwar, it would be a sad for the ex-deputy prime minister who was forced to spend 6 years in jail before he was acquitted of sodomy charges in 2004.

But it would be final nail in the BN and many pundits, including PKR vice president Chua Jui Meng, believe that such a verdict alone would sweep Pakatan Rakyat to a historice victory.

"Mind you, we don't want Anwar to go to jail but either way, Pakatan wins. The sodomy case has reached a stage where Najib has suddenly realized he has painted himself into another corner. It is a silly move like the Datuk T sex video and the Bersih crackdowns for which many in the UMNO supreme council blame him for," Jui Meng told Malaysia Chronicle.

"You find Anwar guilty, he's a hero, you don't find him guilty, you've been wasting the country's time and effort which should have been spent on the economy,"

As for Nik Aziz, he also said he found it strange that the alleged proposal was raised based on a prediction of the court's verdict. “Is it true that the court’s decision in the country can be predicted or is it because the verdict is leaked?” he quipped.

Karpal: Ku Li is no match for Anwar

Apart from whether the 74-year old Ku Li would dare to leave UMNO again, Karpal also pointed out that the Gua Musang MP, who dismantled his splinter party Semangat 46, to return to UMNO was no match for Anwar in terms of popularity.

“Razaleigh had the opportunity (to serve) in the Opposition via Semangat 46. But he returned to UMNO, and after that only his UMNO division nominated him to go for the party presidency's post against Najib Razak,” Star reported Karpal as saying.

“Without Anwar, the Opposition and the nation would not have witnessed the political tsunami during the March 2008 general election."

Echoing Karpal, PAS's Ulama (Islamic scholars) wing said Razaleigh's ability to lead Pakatan would depend on his popularity.

“If he has many followers or the majority support within the opposition parties, most probably he would be the opposition leader. The same goes for Anwar, he can negotiate and if he cannot get the majority support, maybe he would not be sitting there any more,” Malaysiakini quoted the wing's chief Harun Taib as saying.

Utusan had in its Monday edition reported the PAS ulama wing was ready to dump Anwar for Razaleigh, without giving proper context to his comment.

- Malaysia Chronicle

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